I’m not certain what you are referring to. I had nothing to do with the lab creation or proposal. We had discussed as a committee moving out of the old lobby into the old 3d fab but that was the last I remember.
Board office hours are for members to come talk to the board. So far, it has been a success and I have actively advertised it when the board didn’t.
… Board of Directors Office Hours - 08/17/2019 - Conference Room (North Lobby)
… Next Board Office Hours - Sat Sep 7 1pm — 3pm Purple Classroom
… Board of Directors Office Hours - Talk to the Board
Members have power in member meetings not in board office hours. Members get notified (or are suppose to) about member meetings. It is a forum for member to discuss concerns with other members.
This board chose to first try and direct them, granted the President resides over them per the rules but the subjects should be member driven. For the most part, they were but not to the liking of Julie, James and Lara who kept trying to redirect the many topics to board office hours instead of allowing discussions to continue, at least in the last member meeting I was a part of. As I said before, they later canceled them in favor of board office hours.
It is true that I contacted you on FB in November as I had many times before. It is not true that I blocked you. You blocked me. I just verified this today. It is also not true that I quit at that time. I quit in early October. It was in November that I told you that I wanted you out of office and that you have gone too far. Stan was only the last straw as they say of a large stack. Get your facts straight.
As far as Stan, and I have said this many times before and I really don’t care to delve into again but I will say this. I agree he should have been punished, his admin rights removed and his CC taken and I think he should have been made to pay back what gift cards he took. He should not have been perm-banned.
Why is it, whenever you have a different view, you are accused of trolling?