There will be a cosplay SIG meeting on August the 24th at 6:00 in the north lobby classroom.
We will be discussing…
the direction we want to go as a SIG
what space and tools we already have, what we nee, and what we would like to have.
*Putting a group costume together for the upcoming Fan con.
*Community and Facebook groups
*SIG leaders
If there is anything else that need to be discussed or you would like to be put on the agenda please let me know here or at [email protected]
PLEASE if you want to see this SIG move forward come to the meeting
No this is not during AnimeFest, the initial planning was but was changed when Kris Anderson let me know the conflict so I canceled the event and re entered it for the following weekend, I did however not change the title of this thread. so when you see the event on the Makerspace page its Listed as the 24th at 6:00
One of the big things I want to discuss at teh meeting is a group costume for the upcoming fan days, Id love for Makerspace to win a prize. SO any thoughts here are at the meeting will be entertained.
Needs to be Epic and Huge
can be a group or several people doing ONE costume
not limited to sewing can be prop costume like armor or Something similar
I would like to use multiple committees in the construction
Denarys and Drogon
Rick and Morty and Ricks Ship
Zombie Avengers
ANY suggestions here will be duscussed at the meeitng.
I just posted this on some Facebook groups, if you know of any that would benefit from DMS cosplay feel free to copy and paste.
Hello all, I am writing to let everyone know about the Cosplay SIG (special interest group) at Dallas Makerspace.
We will be having a meeting next Saturday the 24th to discus the future of the group and I encourage everyone who cosplays to come out and join us. We will be discussing future projects, upcoming classes, group cosplay for Fandays and lots more
How does this help YOU? you do not have to be a member to attend or join the SIG, but you can come to the meeting and events we have, like sewing days, serger days, laser workshops, classes on resin casting, mold making, sewing, pattern making, and lots more. You can take advantage of out tools,serger, regular sewing machines, LEATHER sewing machine, laser, 3d printers,and much more. You also as SIG member will have a say in what we do with our funds, what machines we buy, what tools we get, and what materials we stock.
So come on out Saturday August the 24th at 6:00, if you have never been to Dallas Makerspace come early between 5 and 6 and we will give you a pvt tour. fell free to invite anyone who cosplay in the dfw area and beyond. There will be cake!!
Nothing has changed, in the past we have had project days for cosplay w
here non members could come out and work on projects and use equipment as long there are qualified members present to work any relevant machines.
Please change the wording on this. Non members have no say in how dms runs their sigs and how money is spent. Enticing people to be members is great, but they need to be members for these benefits.
Everyone relax, member are allowed to use machines, non members are not, this is very clear and has always been explained. when we have special projects days anyone can attend. The upcoming meeting is a way to recruit new long term members form those who attend, we will also allow non member to be a part of out group bu they will have the same restrictions any other non member has.
You have never had to be a member of maker space to attend SIG meetings but in order to become a voting, machine using, active meber you will also need a membership
What is the difference between special project days and a 1-2 hour class open to all? Are members able to use a couple printers during the special project days?
Except it isn’t clear and isn’t being explained in your post. The confusion arises when you say ‘you can take advantage of our tools,serve, regular sewing machines [etc]’. Because that sure makes it sound like they can, you know, use the tools.
Though I have to give you props for your spot on description. They are indeed taking advantage of us, why spend the $60 a month when they can just show up to the cosplay events. And before you lecture anyone on ‘special project days’, I’m gonna go ahead and assert that you’ve made that term up specifically to let you do this.
@Lampy, if I remember correctly, 3D printing is shut down to regular members during the cosplay events.