Computing support offering

ello there,

Even though I joined in February 2022, I still consider myself a newcomer, so please pardon my newbie question here.

One of my areas of expertise is computer software development, with over 25 years of experience. I have fallen behind the times a bit, as I’ve focused on my new career as an artist. However, I do integrate technology into my art. I use RPi, and Arduino, and am a novice as I am beginning Python work. Also working on NN projects for one of my upcoming artworks.

I don’t know how useful I could be, but I’d like to begin discovering that as I become more available. My MFA is on schedule to complete this fall.

Thanks and kindest regards,


If you are interested in volunteering on the Infrastructure team, which covers both facilities and IT please come to one of our monthly meetings.

The next one will be later this month.

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Thank you Jay. I will try and make the next committee meeting. If it’s on a weekend then for sure. Otherwise just started as Asst gallery director for the summer and working on projects for my thesis exhibition and paper. But I am excited and look forward to growing into the community.

:camera: ~

You could always teach beginner classes on programming or topics on some devops material if you’ve used docker/kubernetes, jenkins, git, etc. 25 YOE should give you a lot of knowledge of the fundamentals, even if you haven’t used the newest tech stacks.

There’s a lot of interest here in programming and/or specific one off tools like git. You could maybe offer a specific class on art with the assistance of technology. @bpamplin has taught a lot of classes using the arduino, maybe you can work with him or ask him for advice?

You can be incredibly useful. I’ve done over 60 beginner level microcontroller classes over the years and consider myself to be an Unofficial DMS Electronics Training Cheerleader. We had a number of folks teaching electronics related classes before Covid but that has really dried up. The words Arduino and RPi attract lots of attention at DMS. I believe the most underserved area is RPi. I do classes on Pico W but, its a microcontroller. I cannot recall a class on RPi boards.

@artg_dms is Electronics Chair and is great to work with for class supplies.

I’ll PM my contact info. I would like to talk to or meet you if I can help in any way.

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