Committee Meeting 11/6/19 (Wed) 6:30pm -- Chair Election

Remember – tomorrow 11/6 at 6:30 is the Ceramics Committee meeting. We will be electing the chair.
It would be nice to know what else is on the agenda, but so far the agenda hasn’t been posted anywhere.

Brenda Villafuerte and Beth Appleton are running for Committee Chair.


I think the agenda was posted in a PM for any of those who wanted to be in Team_Ceramics? I’d have to hunt through PMs.

@Monikat or @brendamvilla, could you post please the proposed agenda?

You are correct. The agenda was posted to the team email. Granted, that’s pretty open these days. I was looking for a public post, or posting to the wiki.

Yeah, that’s why I tagged them. I don’t know if anything changed and eventually I stopped reading the chain that was going on.

Edit: Apologies, @monikat did post: Ceramics 11/6 Meeting Agenda - Vote items

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It was posted in DMS General as well as the Calendar event.


I can’t make it but I will send my proxy in.

I think I missed a post about being added to team ceramics. May I be added to that group please?

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@brendamvilla Brenda, can you do this please.


Jenny, you’re already listed in Team Ceramics. I must have added you a while back. Are you getting notifications when someone uses that tag? You can also check under the hamburger in ‘groups’ to see which groups you are a member of.


The notification says “You have x messages in your team ceramics in-box”. Are you getting those?

I haven’t been getting any notifications, but now I see that I am in the group, as well as the messages and such. Thank you all for your help!

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