As we all know, at least those that have been here for a least a week, the Space is either haunted and poltergeists move and hide our tools, or we are at some magic crossing point for ley-lines where tools sprout legs and wings and move about and hide themselves throughout the Space. It couldn’t be because someone didn’t put it back.
Automotive is: [color=green]Green[/color]
Black Smithing Black]
Digital Media is [color=orange]Orange[/color]
Machine Shop is: [color=blue]Blue[/color]
RC is Light Blue
CA is: [color=pink]Bright Pink[/color]
3D Fab is [color=gold]Gold[/color] and [color=silver]Silver[/color] Striped
Laser is [color=red]Red[/color]
Metal Shop is Gray Camo or [color=gray]Gray[/color]
What colors are the other committees laying claim to? Let me know and send a picture of the color. I’ll send out to all committee chairs so we are in agreement then I’ll compile a chart, laminate them and post around the Space. This way, they wayward tools may better make their way home.
Engraving is also a good way but color can be seen from a distance.
Laser has red tape marking off the area and is red here on Talk. Metal shop is gray on here… not sure if they have tape since they have a whole room. I say laser wins
Metal shop should be grey camo tape. Of course it doesn’t take long to find out if it belongs in metal shop. It will either have grinding dust on it or weld bb’s
I’m really going more by the colors that have been painted on Hand Tools than tape on the floor. many areas have tools common to both: Vise Grips, Screw Drivers, C-Clamps, Tape Measures, Calipers, Wrenches, etc. I suspect some of the tape may have been what’s available.
What may be nice if each Committee Next to the sign ID’ing their area also has a color stripe next to or underneath it.
I get what you’re saying but which tools are already marked red? Havent heard anyone say that metal shop or some other committee tools are already marked with that color.
What tools does laser have that need to be color coded? As far as I can think of, the only hand tools laser has should be in the tool box, and only used by those maintaining the lasers. If there aren’t tools for general use, why should laser claim a tool marking color when the options are somewhat limited, and there are plenty of committees with more tools?
I don’t know. I’m just familiar with the tools I use, I edited my post to update Laser to Red. Any protests I’ll send them to deal with you!
But agree Tape should match committee. Machine Shop will have both Blue Tape and a parallel Yellow/Black striped tape to show that the area requires Safety Glasses and Other Safety Requirements.
For some history, at one point in the past at ladybird auto used red, which is why you may recall seeing some red tools in the past, I changed it to green at some point.
While posting random off topic things, here is the 3M 764 vinyl tape I have used in the past for floor tape, amazon has black, white, blue, green, red, brown, orange, yellow
Because tools are used in the committee area and moving forward anything purchased with laser committee funds will be marked so we can keep track of them (and return things that collect there to their proper home). If you’re interested in giving input to what tools and supplies you’d like to see in the laser area I hope you come to the next meeting!
@merissa is correct… We use red tape because red is the color that a previous Laser chair (@william_petefish, I believe… possibly @PearceDunlap… I’ve blinked since that discussion… ) selected. Considering that Merissa is now the current chair and maintains the color for Laser is red, it only makes sense that it remains so…