Hi I have a 2 part question, does the plasma Table cut 1/2” steel plate? And does anyone know when the next class will be? Thanks!
Yes, it will cut 1/2" plate. There is a DMS logo in 1/2" steel in the metal shop.
I don’t know when the next class will be, but maybe @rlisbona does.
If you are a member, you should:
Plasma cutter will cut 1/2" steel no problem.
I’ll be there tonight, can’t promise a class but guessing I would have time after 8. Otherwise just keep an eye on the calendar, I think @Llenclyen is doing classes every few weeks
Take the hot process safety class on learn.dallasmakerspace first
Keep your eyes on the calendar. The next plasma cutter class should post today or tomorrow and I will be teaching it Saturday afternoon.
Class has posted: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar. You will have to have the Hot Process Safety (and be signed into the Calendar) before it will let you sign up.
Here’s the link for the Learn online classes: Dallas Makerspace: Log in to the site
You’ll have to be signed in before it will let you see the classes.