Changes in Woodshop Annex


Someone willing to manage the scrap bin that isn’t already managing other things.

Maybe some signage that makes the rules easy to understand.

I’ll even clear a spot for a pallet sized bin under the woodshop storage area.

A core ask I’m putting out here is for someone to step up and take ownership, be a member of the community, and help the community thrive by owning this “scrap” of the woodshop.

Woodshop’s active contributing members are spread too thin as it is, so I’m cutting things like this that take time from more critical things like machine maintenance and … sweeping apparently.

I’m hopeful that someone will see this and step up and say, I’m willing to help out, I want this back, I will be a member of the community, and I will manage it.


I’ll volunteer, lol not subtle yet effective sir


When are you going to be in this week? Let’s talk about a way to do this.

I can be up there tonight or tomorrow

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Tonight’s no good. I’ll try to be up tomorrow night.

Sounds good, I’ll be up there around 8


At one point, @michaelb and I had an idea to make a sign that had a whole cut out of it the minimum size a scrap had to be to be considered “usable”. If you held the chunk up to the hole and hole showed at an edge, it wasn’t worth preserving, ergo dumpster stuff.

Maybe that idea could be resurrected?


Yes, me and Ian talked about how to set up the storage area for it and that was one of the ideas he had but for longevity purposes I’ll be making it out of thin plywood to avoid having to reprint it every couple of weeks
But I’ll be the housekeeper of it since I’m there often enough so it’ll be patrolled and trimmed pretty frequently


So as some of y’all who watched me do it already know, I tossed all the stuff on the old freebie shelf and repurposed some of it into the new shelf/freebie area, I’ll break down the rest of the old shelf next visit