Ceramics TShirts

I will be there tomorrow by 9:30-10 am and will have to leave by 3, so any time in that range, I can meet you.

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Are all of the shirts in? My 3 xl Rust? if so I can meet you tomorrow any time. Let me know when you’ll be there and I’ll make arrangements to pick up the shirt.

@Bri_Gearhart, I’ll bring your shirt in the morning.

@coloneldan we do not have the back order items yet. I promise to let you know when we do.

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I can be in on Monday 10/25 and then again on Thursday 10/28 next week to hand off T-shirts.

@wizlog @ashtonwhitney @AlwaysIntoSomething please let me know what, if any, times on those days work for you.

@Liv7301 @coloneldan im checking on the back orders and will let you know when I have an update.

I see some in the Common room, can I take and pay from there?

If you so choose. I have the particular one you ordered but if you want one from the common room do so, use the QR code in there or put cash in the finance box (labeled ceramics T).

Please let me know if this is what you’d like to do so I can place the one I set aside for you in the common room.

Hi Monika, I found the exact same one I ordered in the pile and used the QR code. I really appreciate all the effort coordinating this—it seems impossible especially with people all over the place like me

Perfect! Thanks for letting me know