Ceramics Kiln News - December 2020

Glaze pron from the 1027 load :heart_eyes:


That is very pretty. What glazes are that? Looks like it’s a combination of two

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Not mine just admiring like the rest of us.

I would bet it is oatmeal over iron luster…


Eye would bet on whatever she says :man_dancing:t2:

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Glaze unloaded with @Krisk


what glaze is that its amazing

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I would bet it is the spectrum floating autumn purple :slight_smile:


i might need to try it lol i need to experiment with new glazes

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It benefits from lots of texture also


All, it ran like crazy, almist every piece was stuck to the cookie.


Two of my pieces were in this glaze load. What caused the glaze to run so much this time? How can I safely remove my piece from its cookie?

Lots of things can cause this- too many coats of glaze, applying glaze too heavy at the bottom, bad glaze batch, too hot… lots of potential culprits.

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Depending on how bad it it is; you could try to tap it with a mallet.

Just to clarify, not all the pieces in the load ran, just those with that glaze combination.

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Good to mention :slight_smile: the glaze outcome (whether it runs, the color, shine or matte) is dependent on several factors like clay body, temperature, the off gas of other pieces around it, glaze contaminants, clay contaminants…and more :slight_smile: this is why we’re all so excited and grateful to the kiln gods when pieces come out intact, as expected or better than expected!

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Bisque is out and shelves are very full. Please come get your items so we have space for more.
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Yes, all good points :slight_smile: :smiley:

Another item to mention is that everyone should take a glazing class, if you haven’t. Many of these questions can be asked and discussed in that class. I usually share some pointers to help you potentially avoid the situation.


Bisque and glaze unloaded… come get your lovelies image image image image image image image image image image image image