Free to take all of them, $10 each to pick through them. There are some clown heads in the stack.
Do you have a semi fancy coffee cup?
The footed mug mold in the picture might work? I will pull it and take pictures next time I’m at storage.
Can you estimate count/volume of total haul were one to take all?
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Somewhere in the 50 mold range? I (barely) fit all of these molds in my RAV4 (with seats) when I picked them up and then I probably kept 1/4-1/3 of them.
Just a sugestion ceramics should swap out what they have, A refresh.
Man, if we had some more modern designs that would be lovely. Mugs, vases, cups etc that aren’t animal shapes would be lovely
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11 posts were split to a new topic: Ceramics with Julie Harris - Classes and Molds Discussions
I would love to pick through them for purchase!