CA Could use some woodworker's help to make small inkle loom

I would like to teach a class on inkle weaving for the fiber arts group. But we need looms for that. Inkle looms are not hard to make and I have 2 for a pattern.

I spotted this one, and it’s smaller size would be great for a class, it would not have to be made totally of hard wood either.

I have done the woodshop basics class and I have done a little woodworking in the past. I am sure that we could get the cost of materials from the CA budget. Is anyone willing to help with this project


wow, that is beautifully made.

We can talk today after the membership meeting about how you can make one.

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Looks like a great CNC router project. Cut the base and main plate from plywood with interlocking tenons and all the dowel holes cut to spec. Then add hardwood dowels and the piece of rounded 1x4. Not sure on the scale, but it looks like you would be able to get several from one sheet of plywood. Unfortunately I have about -10 free hours over the next several days.

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I haven’t posted the class yet so it is not super time sensitive.

And that is beautiful one. and the solid side makes it more sturdy.

I will do my best to be there tonight, I will bring my older full size loom also

I like the smaller one because of storage space.

I would love to assist on this project as well. Talk to you soon with some creative input. :+1:t3:


I was thinking of making it in a traditional method, but yeah. CNC would be very cool.

I was hoping to talk to some of y’all tonight. but with the members meeting and others, I never made contact. I left my old loom on top of the Metal cabinets in the CA room. It is next to the spinning wheel. BTW it is missing a piece and is in poor condition. I will see if I can get to my other one and I will bring it out also.

There is no one set pattern for them. Here is a lot of different ones. I need to bring a shuttle out as well.

I should be out quite a bit this weekend, including Fri. Most likely I will be in the CA room working on fabric stuff.

I would like to get some idea of the costs, so I can request funds for them

inkle loom plans - Google SearchUCIWwnje92WU1aGzDDYO6_tn3Yg%3D&ved=0ahUKEwj2gLi67dbMAhWCYyYKHTYrBbMQyjcIMA&ei=Ea41V7a0DILHmQG21pSYCw#imgrc=

Love this cross-collaboration! We should do more of this at the space


I can make one of these from scrap sapele I have left over from the audio synthesizer cabinet I have been working on. Shouldn’t take more then a couple of hours. I will build it Sunday. BTW, this means no cost for CA for this.

In studying the photos, I have two questions; Is there anything critical about the spacing of the rods that are shown? And can I get the official okee dokey from one of the chairs to place this in creative arts as a tool for them? @uglyknees @artnerdray

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I’m going to defer my answer to @kyrithia who is the Fibers SIG leader. I think this sounds like an amazing tool but she’s the one who organizes that cabinet and that’s where we would probably need to store them. So you have my blessing but as far as storage goes it’s @kyrithia who has the finally green light/red light. I’m so happy you all are willing to help out! This is a great thing!

I worry about our trend to put things on top of the rolling cabinets (although I’m guilty of this). I foresee accidents happening with things falling off.

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Great, Thanks! I will await @krithia 's response before I start on this!

Plenty of free oak in workshop, I would suggest making it traditional way. Free. Because, free.

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Yeh, I thought of the oak, but with the jointer down, it would have to wait. It would also require gluing up into wider boards, which adds some time. I also have 17" x 9" piece of quartersawn sapele left over, that would be the perfect size for this project, so will probably use that.

But if you want to see traditional woodworking on this, come by Sunday, I was planning on doing it mostly with hand tools. Though I am creating a cad design right now, that I will probably use to ‘engrave’ onto the wood and use to make the layout process much quicker, and replicable if more then one of these ends up being desirable.

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Walter, what time are you going to be making this on Sunday? Depending upon my schedule I might have time to come out and help/watch your construction?

I figured I would get there between 10-11 to do the initial laser layout (took the class, first use so figuring it might take me a while to get what I want). That will give me say three hours before the leather working sig to work on this.

I’m in church until noon and I usually have lunch with my family thereafter. The earliest I could catch up with you would be 2:00ish. Maybe I’ll see you then.

Sounds great. I want to attend the leather working session at 3:00, but if I am not finished perhaps you could finish it off (assuming your not going to be at the leather working session as well), or perhaps we could finish it together after the leather session.

So, I have been trying to scale the design from the images on that etsy page, and based upon the measurements provided (15" long, 7" high, and an estimate that they are using 3/4" diameter rods) I have come up with this so far. Looks more clunky to me, then the photograph. Anyone have any suggestions about sizing changes? I am thicking 1/2" rods, but not sure if they would be strong enough to stand up to the tension in a loom.


This dude used 1" dowel for his quickie inkle build.

(he covers materials choices @ 10:35ish)

No idea how that all worked out, though, really, but here he is using a similar one…

Is the solution to stop putting things on there (yeh, like we could make that happen), or is it to put on shelf railings like boats have so that nothing falls off?


Thanks for those video’s. It is nice to know how something is used, and that answers my questions about the rods needed to be precisely placed. His design is about twice the size of the one @Cairenn_Day has linked above, so the 3/4" dowels are probably a little overkill. I picked up some 5/8" and some 3/4" dowels from Woodcraft at lunch, so I may adjust the design to the 5/8" size and see if that looks more like the images on that etsy page!

BTW, I have never seen that guys videos before but he sure looks familiar.

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