Beekeeping SIG is there interest in this?

where could we place 10 hives, that have adequate flowers, water, etc?

DMS has such a large spread out membership unless we had a member with land it would be hard to find. and we def wouldnt want them in any of the dallas counties

you might be able to temp someone with an AG exemption. but for 10 hives and lots of people to come and go on their land a lot would be a hard sell.

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Do you have bees yet Josh_Melnick? I might have a hive for you. I’ve had them for a few years, they are in a single deep langstroth at the moment but would probably fill a 2nd quick.

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Didn’t ask this guys name but something tells me we might be able to deduce it. Hive building going down at Dms.


I’m interested. I have a hive at my house.

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There’s an old 17th century saying:

a swarm in May is worth a load of hay;
a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon;
but a swarm in July is not worth a fly

Starting a hive this late in the year will likely leave them to small/weak and with too few honey stores to get the hive through the winter.

Beekeepers in TX usually start new hives in April - early April if they can get queens by then. Splits can be done in April and May, but June is pushing it unless you feed heavily and start with strong hives to split from and with some already drawn-out comb to provide.


I am extremely interested in this topic.

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@HankCowdog Thanks. @triggerscold had a great PM conversation with me. What I bought is a home for non-honey bees in our efforts to increase bee activity in the back yard.


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I got the same house from Costco. Did you already order the bees? Happy to go in on an order. What are you doing for mud?

My plan was to just hang it up and let nature take its course…do I need to put mud in it?

really? That would be wonderful, however I have no where to put them at this time.

Anyone interested in running a Beekeeping SIG? We have a Robot SIG.

i wonder if he was just assebling boxes he had purchased or if he cut them there also :slight_smile: i would have loved to pick his brain or be there durring that!!

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He said he built them all at Dms and he was a relatively new beekeeper.

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Do you have his contact info?

who is currently keeping bees? how are they doing etc?

We’re not keeping bees intentionally, but we do have a hive that set itself up in a decorative (not load bearing) column on our porch early this summer. We’ve been just letting it do its thing, but I have a feeling that at some point the city is going to leave us a nastygram to get rid of them.

Anybody know any good services for LIVE bee removal? And when is the least harmful time for the bees to have them removed?


I’m interested. It is my understanding from comments on Talk, that hives are started in the spring. If this is true, would like to learn now and build hives for spring and getting a swarm, however that it done.

See post 20, where Mike Churchill addressed when a beekeeper would most likely be interested in acquiring a swarm.

If they are inside a structure you’ll want a cut out which is not too costly, if it costs at all. If they are on the outside and can just be scraped into a box I’m sure someone local would come get them. Where are you located? Winter is coming so they don’t have long to prep and build. If they are happy and not harming anyone I would leave them.