For me to ask for help is usually the hardest thing i can do. I have had several friends help me out but im still coming up short. I work day and night trying to make bills and keep a roof over my family’s heads. Monday the 22nd the storage units with the rest of everything we own will be auctioned off if i don’t pay then $1500. That’s 3 months back rent. Now i understand a lot of people will say why was i not making the payments and thats because i have had a long case of bad luck. Between my wife’s transmission going out, our rent being raised where we live, me habing car problems and just a long list of things going wrong. I deliver for amazon. And on sunday amazon lost my drivers lic which allows me to pick up packages and work. I have set a budget out for each day on how much i need to make and have been doing everything i can. But last week the rear end went out in my truck which it took me 3 days to fix. Which cost me money and out of work time. I am finally able to get back to work but i am going to be shy the $1500 to save our things. I am asking for help and in turn i can ether work off or pay you back over the next month. I would go into depth on what happened with my family and why all our things are in storage. 2 yrs ago we lost everything and we are habing to start over from the ground up.
Will they let you move your things or have they already been effectively possessed by the company?
They go to auction monday. If i pay them $2000 by monday morning i can keep them out of auction. And be able to get to my thing and move them to a smaller cheaper space. I will have $500 saved up by Friday. But i am $1500 short to save everything we own. I will do anything to help pay the money back it be working it off or paying it back.
Have you called and offered them the $500 to buy some more time?
I strongly advise you to make an honest, unemotional assessment of what your stuff is really worth. $500 is a small mortgage and you’ve been paying that for how long? Have you in effect already paid more than the value of your possessions? Consider whether or not it’s cheaper to reacquire similar possessions on your own terms over time with your own future earned money rather than having to pay people back for a bad investment and giving even more to the storage company.
Not how it works. Once in the auction you have to pay the full amount to get it out of the auction
None of it is replaceable.
We are homeless and this is all we have left. And no mortgage is $500. I work 18hrs a day just to pay budget suites every week since that is the only place we can get. No one will recognize an independent contractor as a job. And i like i said all that is in there is all we have left. Including family heirlooms that can not be replaced.
There are better ways to get help than appealing for cash on DMS Talk. If you are a member of a church or synagogue you might get some help from them. My church just helped a member from having his home foreclosed. If not, there are also numerous agencies that might help, both public and private. If I were you I’d start calling and visiting a lot of social workers, help agencies including legal aid, churches ect. They can quickly give you leads to folks that may be in a position to give you a loan or grant. Who knows, you might get a lawyer to get a stay pro-bono. You could even do a go-fund-me campaign promising future work done. You need to be vetted by professionals who understand these situations. Try calling the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program tomorrow at (214) 742-5768. They might help you get a temporary stay where you won’t need a loan. Get some pros on your side in this situation. Also call Catholic Charities tomorrow at (866) 223-7500.
Having read your reply to Contrarian, I had a number of responses. I won’t try to convince you that religion or public aid is for you. I will however note, a desperate man should exhaust all avenues. I would suggest you search your conscience and ask yourself how important the things you have in storage really are. At face value you are throwing up your hands and saying it will never work without attempting to lift a finger. I won’t lecture that life is hard and gives you crappy circumstances. I will tell you that this does not have to be self fulfilling prophecy. Reach out, ask for help, see what you can do. You never know what might come about. Belief in religion is not required for help from Catholic Charities.
Hope you find success,
I see that nothing is actually being read. And i never said i threw my hands up in the air to the situation. I am asking for help and i know for a fact that none of the religious places will help unless you go yo that church for atleast 6 months and religious charities require you to sit through sermons and bombard you with why you should believe in Jesus. Sorry i gave up on religon the first time i was homeless when i was 13 and living out of a car.
have you looked into getting renting some rooms on craigslist? If you look hard enough you can find some decent rooms for rent by individuals rather than corporations or landlords, they are generally more forgiving about the independent contractor thing
What “actual help” were you expecting? A $1500 handout from a bunch of strangers?
Sell one of your cars. And get rid of the victim mentality.
By the way, this is patently untrue.
And if you were denied food stamps, it’s probably because you have, what was it, $500 per month in disposable income to spend on storage units, not because of your race or gender. If you have an actual document paper that says you were denied government assistance because you’re a white male, your problems are over, as the ACLU will be happy to take your case.
Nope sorry has nothing to do with 500 disposable. I have been told many times it’s cause of my sex and race. ACLU is a joke. They don’t care if you are white.
I can’t stop watching this trainwreck
I am just curious how big of a storage unit it is at $500 a month. Don’t they usually cost like $25 a month for 200sq/ft climate controlled?
Threads like this make me really wish Talk had an “ignore user” feature.