Just discovered Dallas Makerspace.
I am a small business start up. I have welded and fabricated an assembly line.
I am lost on what products to use for my project like Arduino, SyRen and an ATX power supply.
I have the confidence that I can make/rebuild anything. I rebuilt my truck transmission from watching Youtube. This is another thing altogether, I have not been able to find the right video or person to help guide my project.
My project has:
wheel chair motor
miter saw
Linear Actuator
several limit switches
Sounds like you’re building a battlebot. Have you spoke with the BattleBot team that’s comprised of Makerspace members? If you do a search on the forum there should be a few posts by them.
Do you need help with the hardware piece or the coding piece? If it’s coding, TinkerCAD is free, and there are coding classes on Skillshare and Udemy that seem to be pretty good.
One primary and super knowledgable member of the battle bot team is @themitch22. He is currently building a CNC router from scratch. Although Mitch is very generous, he does robotics as his profession, so be careful as to not squander his time.
@facedownforhim your project is kind of vague, do you mind telling us what you plan on automating with an Arduino? I have a basic understanding of arduino programming and actually started learning the raspberry pi pico with micropython for making a weapon controller for our Battlebot.
The best way to learn with DMS is to join, meet people, and ask for help. @Bill helped me a ton with my Arduino projects and is a good teacher. I forgot the other guy’s name but they would do a microcontroller meetup before the pandemic. @artg_dms is the electronics chair and he might know some more people that can help.
@bpamplin and @NickWebb taught hands on Arduino classes.
As Mitch mentioned above, your project definition is vague. It would help if you could give us a better idea of what your end goal is. From your parts it looks like your project will have multiple systems that will need to work together. Break your project down into functional blocks and we can probably point you in the direction of the info you need.
if you need help with coding arduino just throw the code up on a github and ask for feedback via talk. I work weird hours but I’m always down to just randomly look at someone’s code and provide feedback. ive built a few different things with arduino.
a lot of programmers that ive experienced arent always free to meet up but will gladly skim an online document for a few minutes from wherever they are.
Arduino was revolutionary, it really threw open the doors to makers. When I started using uComps, it was Intel 8080 then 8051; machine code with stacks you had to pop. Next came those damnable Harvard Architecture PIC chips. If you’ll notice, Microchip has aligned a lot of their hardware to conform to Arduino standards, which aren’t hard core or enforced; the Market just drives them.
A couple of great resources are arduino.cc and adafruit.com Once you get bootstrapped in this tech; the devices, examples, and libraries are astounding. Example: you can buy a 6-axis accelerometer for <$5 or a GPS device <$15, plug it into a $5 uComp, load up the example code, and replace a device which used to cost $hundreds. The drones you see everywhere base their motor controllers and navigation systems on a lot of shareware that was developed in the public space, much of it was on Arduino.
A lot of makers will never need the performance of a TI Beagle bone, or a g-FLOP Real Time Operating System. But, if they do, the really cool aspect of Arduino is the scaling throughout the ArduinoSphere. The Internet of Things is now something almost anyone can make, and then run from their cell phone or laptop.
Arduino is a good place to start. Lots of tutorials and code examples. Find a project similar to what you want to do, study it and then modify it. The Arduino IDE is getting a major update currently in beta -
Need some kind of OS on your board - say linux - then the RPi and Beagle boards are probably best bet.
Find a project similar to what you want to do and reverse engineer it. Then modify it for what you want to do. Reverse engineering / modifying existing hrdwr/sftwr are very powerful learning tools. Helps you claw your way up the learning curve.
STMicro makes some very cool stuff around their ARM V and ARM M core chips, so they can run a Linux OS on the human interface, and an RTOS on the slave processor.
I just ordered a STM32F429I-DISC1 dev board from our E-Lab sponsor, MOUSER…$30
32 bit ARM M4, way too many I/O pins, USB, WiFi, and a 3" TVGA screen onboard.
It comes preloaded with STM32Cube MCU Package, with a lot of goodies onboard, can’t wait.
I’ve taught over 50 Arduino classes at DMS but I’m not active now. I’ll probably start back in the fall. Send a PM to me with your phone number, if you like, and I’ll give you a call and help you get started.
To send a personal message, click your icon in the upper right and then click the envelope icon. Send it to @bpamplin
It is best to not post phone numbers and email addresses here on the talk forum since it is scanned by Google and who knows who else.
Or, better yet, if you want to send a PM to a person in a discussion, click their name in their reply header, and you get an option (the envelope icon) in the pop-up.
It does come with a reference to the conversation, but one can always delete that if you don’t want to refer to the conversation.