I’d love to take a pen turning class. Rockler has them for $55, and another local wood store is charging around $100.
If an instructor here wants to do a PayPal for-fee class that’s competitively priced, and give me an Amazon link or local link to buy my own materials, please let me know. I’d love to learn!
If you can come to the space around 9am this Saturday or Sunday I can show you how to turn a pen. I have some leftover pen kits, blanks, finishing material, etc. I learned by people donating their time and materials, happy to pass it on.
Are you up on Sunday by chance? Last time I was in there the tools needed some work. Many of the carbide cutter heads are chipped and dull. I’m thinking we need to do inventory and submit a request for consumables to the chair.
I’m available afternoon/evening on Saturday or Sunday to help. We could have an impromptu lathe maintenance group. I am new at this, so I’ll need instruction, but I’m happy to learn.