I’m looking for other licensed operators who are willing to help get a Volunteer Examiner group running here at the Makerspace to start doing exams.
I had some express interest already, but I forgot to take a list on the spot.
If you are interested, ping me at my DMS email: [email protected] with your name on your license, callsign, and preferred email (I’d like us all to use our DMS emails to coordinate this just for simplicity; if you haven’t used it yet it’s already there at mail.dallasmakerspace.org just use your DMS login credentials).
I’m not licensed, but i recently took the part 1 of the amateur radio class that James Harper was teaching, and im very much interested in getting my license.
Sadly, I’ve been waiting until I figure out what I want to do for a long term callsign before studying and testing for VE status. Otherwise I would participate. Also, I only have one personal email that I check more than once a year, so the DMS email is likely a non starter.
I am looking to get drone certified(part 107) and just realized I need a radio license for some other cert tangentially. How would I go about learning about the process of getting a HAM radio license and is there an help at the space?
I’d like instructors and/or the exam group to be contactable without people having to guess what email to use. (Personally, I’d like every instructor / chair /related to either use or forward their DMS emails since they all already have one)
I have an Extra Class license. Count me in to help out. This would be great to have training classes and VE Testing at DMS. I am also a member of the Plano Amateur Radio Club which routinely has training classes held throughout the year, plus VE exams at every monthly meeting.
If I read that correctly it’s an open book test about exam coordination. I’m not familiar with W5YI, the exams I’ve taken were administered by the ARRL VEC.
If there’s a need for any more assistance on tech exams I’d be happy to help.
The following is from the first page of the Open Book Review document linked above:
“When completing this Open-Book Review, you may work alone or with others in researching the answers to the questions.”
Would anyone be interested in meeting and working through the 40 questions? It will be easier and would be the beginning of a DMS VE team.