Access today. Thank u!

hi, anyone able to let me in today? hope sometime between 1-2pm works for you. Thanks!

The front door should have a doorbell and if that doesn’t work there is a spot where spare key fob at the front door that you can register for a new key. Kinda a temporary solution if you don’t have yours. If your not a member there should be someone to help let you in with the doorbell.

Thanks!! Will do

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Easy as 123 am I right :100:

Note that this will only work if you have a valid liability waiver on file under the same email as the one you registered under.

The way you register the fob is to go to Member Portal|Maker Manager (Badges) and enter the 10 digit number engraved on the badge.

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@ozindfw How do I find the form to fill out my waiver?

You need to do the waiver in person. If you took a tour, you did a waiver. The key is that you used the same email that you used when you signed up.

If not, you’ll need to get someone to let you in and complete it on a kiosk. There are kiosks at most doors, but guaranteed at the front door.

There are usually enough folks coming and going after 5 that it’s a pretty safe bet most days. Ring the doorbell and be prepared to wait several minutes. Rig it every 2 or three minutes. Between te bell and normal traffic, you are likely (but not guaranteed) to get let in.

Once in, the PCs in the common room will work with the username and password you established when you joined. You can log in there, browse to the page in the instructions and activate your fob. Many of the PCs in the common room have a reader so you can just scan your fob instead of entering 10 digits.


I came here to the building but no one opens the doors…

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