3D Fab use... UNACCEPTABLE Behavior

No but I’ll definitely check this out. Thanks!

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Found this one this morning around 8AM… printer was cool, no name, no one in the 3D Fab room, couple of folks in the space but NOT 3D Fab users…

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off with their heads :smile_cat:

Look, DMS is a ‘per pay’ organization. as long as it is such there are always going to be individuals who take an entitled approach to the tools and resources available. Unless some serious disciplinary action takes place nothing is going to change. HOWEVER, you will lose some members who get pissed off because of the disciplinary action. It’s a choice leaders will have to make. Everything else is just complaining,.

I can say from checking the camera footage it was started during the tours last night. Did not watch in enough detail to see WHO started it.

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Maybe this explains why the print beds are totally trashed?

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I’ll bet we thought that when we got the second one. And the third one. And the fourth one …


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I purpose 1 PolyPrinter per 100 members, we better start raising money now.

Its possible and if we’re using nginx on the nodes to reverse proxy to the octoprint server then we can do magical things like:

auth_ldap_cache_enabled on;
auth_ldap_cache_expiration_time 10000;
auth_ldap_cache_size 1000;

ldap_server adds {
url “ldaps://_ldap._tcp.dms/dc=dms,dc=local?sAMAccountName?sub?”;
binddn “home\nginx”;
binddn_passwd “password”;
require valid_user;
satisfy any;


Then the octoprinters would have auth basic prompts that prompt for member’s DMS credentails. From there I could work on setting up sso authentication if we’re interested.


If you can help us get nginx going, I’m totally down for this.

We had HAProxy serving the camera images so you could watch your print form anywhere, but that broke at some point earlier this year. If you have any know-how to help with that, it’d be super appreciated!


Ok, Your talking about my bread and butter there mate.

I could even get the sso working with haproxy so logged in 3d fab users can access the cams on the printers. But first getting the cams working again and ldap auth on the printer ui.

Is there any code repo I can look at that has the configs and other assets for the printer’s or is that located only on the rpi’s directly?


Found the banana pi disk images, all 39Gb of them Which one would be a good sample to use for testing?


@LisaSelk Probably would have all that info, I know she showed me but I totally forgot.