3D Fab use... UNACCEPTABLE Behavior

It probably won’t run the post processor correctly since it has to be ran as admin, PLEASE DO NOT change anything in kisslicer in the 3D fab committee drive, since it’s a batch file that copies the settings for the 3D fab computer instances. If you change those settings, they all change.

I must be tired. This made me giggle.
“Not prevented from finding a way to use…” is not the same as “provided…”.
:smiley:Kissslicer is also a free download, so you could say it’s “provided” to every computer anywhere with internet access…

This doesn’t invalidate your points for getting the job done, but it’s still not the same as “provided”.

Now I’m envisioning the next potluck: “crawfish provided, you bring the sides” and we’re all envisioning steaming piles of freshly boiled mudbugs. You’re asking if we brought our nets at the front door…

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The idea is the extra fee is for directly paying the 3d fab committee itself. So it in turn directly provides a benefit to the space for those that do have 12+ hour prints and use a proxy.

Other ideas behind the suggestion is a higher print price will have users think more about how to optimize their prints and/or time on the printers.

But all in all I was only pointing out ideas to give a different prospective and get gears turning.

Which btw, kind of worked since I’m now wondering how one can optimize their prints (slice settings, model configurations, and the like) and if this sort of resource has been provided on the wiki?

lolz :smiley: good one Andrew

hence the warning “wound have to take responsibility if it doesn’t work” :wink:

There is a way around this that Pearce walked me through on a thread last summer.

It does not seem fair to charge more for a print just because it takes longer to print. If person “A” pays 10 a gram for 4 prints that last 3 hours each , how is it far to charge person “B” .50 a gram for 1 12 hour print? The same amount of time was used by both, and the same type of filament was used.

My understanding is that if there is a queue to use the 3d printers then you are expected to let the next in line use the printer, even if you have additional prints to do. Given this, the extra charge could be justified because the person is tying up a shared resource for an above normal time period.

This is similar to the rule where you were expected to immediately cancel your print if someone needed a printer and you were using more then one printer.

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i don’t believe adding to the price would help smooth things over, i do agree that yes the proxy should at least get compensated for their time- aka buy them a beer next time you see them- hey their helping you… and if you do feel inclined to throw a few extra bucks in the box that would be nice. sometimes the program lies, i’ve been told a 16 hour print was only going to be 3 hours- its why i tell people these are a lot like Gilligan’s island… A THREE HOUR TOUR.

printing time is kinda like the Spanish inquisition…

Everyone is missing the point, there is a NO leaving a print unattended rule, IF you feel you are an exception talk to a 3D fab chair or vice chair. IF your allowed to use a printer with a proxy it will be during off hours, like the one I did Sunday night. No on will have to wait on someone doing a extended print.

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My reply had nothing to do with leaving a print unattended. I was answering your question to @denzuko about why someone might be expected to pay more for tying up a 3d printer for 12+ hours.

A friend of mine used cheap painter’s tape and a very thin acetone/abs coat
for his bed, ended up overheating the nozzle a bit and the bed caught on
fire. I’ve had similar problems when I left a cooling soldering iron near
some flammables. It can happen.

Tim Nielsen

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We should do something about the queue situation…like when one person has 2 or 3 of the printers all going - if not all four. I have been told to just go in there and kick them off one of the printers so I can print, but I don’t feel right doing that. It’s been the case the last handful of times I went in there to print that all 4 were going and no one was in the room. Maybe when they write their name on the board w/ contact info if they aren’t going to stay in the room, then they should include an estimated time the print running will be done maybe… That way I know whether to bother even trying to get next in line.

I do appreciate folks putting their cell number on the board if they aren’t staying in the room with their print - we all don’t know each other to be able to go looking for you at the space, or lunch, or at home/work or wherever you got off to.

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My understanding is that using more then one printer at a time is no longer acceptible.


I would love to have some input from python developers that could make a Octoprint add-in that works with our LDAP server so you can only log into one printer to use at a time. Someone from UTA has a plug-in like this but nothing has been done or coordinated yet.

Multiple printers to one person has not been acceptable for a long time.

My understanding is that you are not to be out of the room without having name and contact info on the marker board for the printer you are using. Personally, it would make sense to always require the name and contact number be on the board for any active print job.

Reading through this thread…I’m so glad I just ended up buying a PolyPrinter when I started to realize that I was wanting to do 30+ hours prints.

[shameless self promotion] Which someone can rent time on through 3D Hubs… https://www.3dhubs.com/dallas/hubs/comterorg [/shamless self promotion]

-the purring dork


Maybe if/when we get a 5th Polyprinter it might help some things. I will try to post a class for Mendy/Midnight soon to hopefully get more people to use them for smaller prints.

I assume you’ve already seen these:
this one has seen some fairly recent activity, though the OP is old:

dunno that that’s helpful, and I assume you already know about them, but I figured I’d through it all out there…

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