2017 Annual Election Results

The results for the 2017 Annual Election are in.

135 Votes Online
22 Votes In Person and By Proxy

Steve Blanchard - 72
David Kessinger - 108
Robert Davidson - 79
Brian Davis - 73
Mitch Cerroni - 72
Walter Anderson - 58
David Guill - 34
Alex Rhodes - 107
Luke Olson - 53
Kris Anderson - 107

First Ballot Item Passes with 110 votes in favor and 47 votes against.

  • Change Section 4.1.(2) of the bylaws from:
  • Supporting members are not permitted to vote or otherwise influence the decision making process of the corporation.
  • to
  • Supporting members are not permitted to vote in either the member meeting or in the annual election.

Second Ballet Item Does Not Pass with 70 votes in favor and 87 votes against.

  • Change Section 3.1.3(2) of the bylaws from:
  • Any member in good standing shall be qualified to be appointed as an officer of the corporation.
  • to
  • Any member shall be qualified to be appointed as an officer of the corporation.

Congrats to the new (and returning) board members, and may God have mercy on their souls.


Congrats to the elected Board members and thanks to ALL who ran for throwing their hats into the ring.


What was the total number that actually had voting rights?

I’m asking what our turnout was.


157 votes / 189 Registered Voters = 83% turnout


If you would like to validate your online vote, you can look up your voter receipt below:

Receipt	First Ballot Item	Second Ballot Item	Please choose 5 Board of Directors to Represent DMS in 2017
234K	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson
26JJ	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, David Guill, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes
2922	No	No	Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard
29C8	No	No	David Guill, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes
2GHB	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, David Guill, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
2HTJ	Yes	Yes	David Guill, Mitch Cerroni, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger
2KY6	Yes	No	Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, Brian Davis
2QSJ	Yes	No	Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, David Guill, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson
3CR2	Yes	Yes	Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger
3XJD	No	No	Robert Davidson, Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson
4BYB	Yes	No	Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Luke Olson
4NG8	No	No	Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson
55NP	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, Brian Davis
56QQ	Yes	No	Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, David Guill
57TQ	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson
5TYW	Yes	Abstain	Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson
6H79	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis
6SKB	Yes	Yes	David Guill, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, Walter Anderson
7DS9	Yes	Yes	Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Walter Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger
7GSK	Yes	No	David Kessinger, Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
7JR5	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, David Guill, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson, Walter Anderson
7MQ4	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes
7TQS	Yes	Yes	Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Brian Davis
7VR7	Yes	Yes	Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson
7XVN	Abstain	Abstain	Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Luke Olson
7ZZ5	Yes	Yes	David Guill, Walter Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Luke Olson, David Kessinger
8GDC	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Walter Anderson
8GSP	Yes	No	Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes
8R97	No	Yes	Robert Davidson, David Guill
8RFZ	Abstain	Abstain	Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, David Guill, Walter Anderson
8TR4	Abstain	No	Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson
94BG	No	Yes	Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Steve Blanchard, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson
99PD	Yes	No	Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni
9BRR	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Robert Davidson
9D7W	Abstain	Abstain	Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger
BCB4	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Walter Anderson
BFSH	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes
BHB7	No	No	Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, Mitch Cerroni
BPRM	Yes	No	Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes
BZVG	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson
CGPD	No	No	Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson
CM48	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson
CM6X	Yes	No	Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson
CQ57	No	No	Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni
CSVS	Yes	No	Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni
D7MV	Yes	No	David Guill, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Walter Anderson, Alex Rhodes
D7SJ	Yes	Yes	Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, Steve Blanchard
D82X	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Luke Olson, Walter Anderson
D8XX	Yes	No	Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, David Guill, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard
DKYH	Yes	No	Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson, Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes
DNKG	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, David Guill, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
DRXF	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Mitch Cerroni, Luke Olson
DXRF	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Luke Olson
F4ZV	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, David Guill, Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson
FFP9	Abstain	No	Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Luke Olson
FHD7	No	Yes	Mitch Cerroni, Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson
FR3G	Yes	Yes	David Guill, David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
FSRS	Yes	No	Walter Anderson, Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes
GKB5	Yes	No	Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes
GKNR	Yes	No	David Kessinger, Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
GM3Y	Yes	No	David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
GV73	No	Yes	Walter Anderson, Brian Davis, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard
GX59	Yes	Abstain	Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, David Guill, Brian Davis
H32P	Yes	No	Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger, David Guill, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson
H3W9	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, Alex Rhodes
HFHH	Yes	No	Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Robert Davidson
HFK3	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson
HN7X	Yes	Abstain	Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
HQGM	Yes	No	Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard
HWB6	No	No	Steve Blanchard, Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
JNTX	No	No	Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson
JWP6	Yes	No	Luke Olson, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson
JY4W	Yes	Abstain	Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, David Guill, Mitch Cerroni
JZ9M	No	No	Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, Mitch Cerroni, Walter Anderson, David Kessinger
KGSC	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger
KPZ2	Yes	No	Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni
KTRD	Yes	No	Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Walter Anderson
M3XM	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, David Guill, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
MDJ8	Yes	Yes	Brian Davis, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Luke Olson
MJSX	Yes	Yes	Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard
MRQ6	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, David Guill, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni
MWXB	Yes	No	Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson
MY7N	No	No	Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Brian Davis, Mitch Cerroni
N244	Yes	Yes	Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson
N3ZY	Abstain	Abstain	Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, Brian Davis, Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger
N9PR	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Mitch Cerroni
P3TS	Yes	No	Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, Kris Anderson
P7FX	No	No	Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Mitch Cerroni
QB76	Yes	Yes	Kris Anderson, Luke Olson, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, David Kessinger
QFJ2	Yes	No	Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Luke Olson, Steve Blanchard
QJHM	No	No	Luke Olson, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, David Guill
QSNF	Abstain	Abstain	Alex Rhodes, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Brian Davis
QV48	Yes	No	Mitch Cerroni, Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis
QVDW	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Walter Anderson, Robert Davidson, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson
R3CS	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger
R8BM	Yes	No	Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger
RKS7	Yes	Yes	Brian Davis, David Kessinger, David Guill, Steve Blanchard, Walter Anderson
S3HM	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Walter Anderson
TD5D	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Walter Anderson, Brian Davis
TG7D	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni, Brian Davis, Steve Blanchard
TTKY	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, David Guill, Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, David Kessinger
TTQD	No	No	Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
TVC7	Yes	Yes	Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Walter Anderson, Alex Rhodes
TWNP	Yes	No	Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
TYV4	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson
V382	No	No	Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard
VFQ4	No	No	Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson
VM72	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, David Guill
VNTD	No	No	Brian Davis, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger, Steve Blanchard
VR26	Abstain	No	Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson, Brian Davis, Luke Olson
VRMJ	No	No	Robert Davidson, Luke Olson, Alex Rhodes
VSW9	Yes	Yes	Brian Davis, David Guill, Steve Blanchard, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger
VT9R	Yes	Yes	Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes
VVBM	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, David Guill, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Walter Anderson
W2C8	No	Yes	Luke Olson, Mitch Cerroni, David Kessinger, Robert Davidson, Brian Davis
W2H4	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Robert Davidson
W4Q6	Yes	No	David Guill, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson, David Kessinger
W9HT	Yes	Yes	Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Alex Rhodes
WD26	No	No	Mitch Cerroni, Robert Davidson, Kris Anderson, Luke Olson, Alex Rhodes
WGYW	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis, Steve Blanchard, Walter Anderson
WNQC	Yes	Yes	Brian Davis, Walter Anderson, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes
WYY4	Yes	Yes	David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Walter Anderson, Brian Davis, Kris Anderson
X4X2	Yes	No	Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Luke Olson, Kris Anderson
XBGZ	Yes	No	Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Brian Davis, David Kessinger, Kris Anderson
XCMV	No	No	David Guill, Kris Anderson, Walter Anderson, David Kessinger, Mitch Cerroni
XT5G	Yes	Yes	Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Robert Davidson, David Kessinger, Mitch Cerroni
Y3M7	Abstain	Abstain	David Guill, Kris Anderson, Steve Blanchard, Walter Anderson, Alex Rhodes
Y5PN	No	No	Luke Olson, Kris Anderson, Mitch Cerroni, Alex Rhodes, Robert Davidson
YTD6	Yes	No	Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes, Mitch Cerroni, Kris Anderson
YY8T	Yes	No	Luke Olson, Robert Davidson, Mitch Cerroni, Steve Blanchard, Alex Rhodes
ZHSX	Abstain	Abstain	David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Brian Davis
ZKKS	Yes	Yes	Walter Anderson, David Kessinger, Alex Rhodes, Brian Davis, Luke Olson
ZNRV	Yes	Abstain	David Kessinger, David Guill, Brian Davis, Steve Blanchard, Walter Anderson
ZVB7	Abstain	Yes	Robert Davidson, Steve Blanchard, Luke Olson, Alex Rhodes, Kris Anderson
ZY3S	Yes	Yes	Steve Blanchard, Kris Anderson, Walter Anderson, David Kessinger, Brian Davis

The election process was pretty excellent, as an organization we could teach the country as a whole a lot. Congrats to the new board folks.


How many eligible voters that didn’t claiming voting rights?

Roughly 8% requested voting rights so the opposite of that would be 92% did not request voting rights.

Maybe I didn’t ask the right question. How many members were eligible to claim voting rights? (A number, not a percentage.)

Kind of fun to see that there are a few people who voted exactly as I did on all options.

The openness of this process is a thing of beauty.


I’m a big fan of this process. Thanks for taking the reins and being transparent.


Actually need to thank @Robert_Davidson for researching and finding a good solution, @lukeiamyourfather for testing the system with Robert, @StanSimmons for processing voting rights requests, @BenjaminGroves & @fedakkee for managing the paper ballot process. AND the membership for participating more than ever!


As a stats nerd, would there be any way to get an itemized list of the (de-identified of course) paper ballots?

Also is it possible to get time stamps for online? I’m curious as to the effect (if any) of the “experimental poll” on Talk on the online voting. Hourly would probably work.

Admin and myself have the individual paper ballots in the form of a spreadsheet.

If @AlexRhodes (president) and / or @Robert_Davidson (secretary) give their blessing, I am happy to post the individual ballots. Alternatively, they are welcome to post it themselves.

As with the online votes, these ballots are anonymous.


I am good with releasing anything as long as they are anonymous.


Agreed 23456789012345

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That would be awesome and excellent.

Once I get Monday out of the way I’m gonna mess around with cross-correlating the various candidates and propositions.

If I find anything interesting, I’ll definitely post my results.