New Vinyl Cutter posted to Wiki Tools

I added the new vinyl cutter to the CA portion of the Wiki/Tools. Based on the information gleaned from this Meet-the-new-vinyl-cutter thread and this Vinyl-Cutter-Not-Working thread, I have documented it as a

US Cutter-brand
model TITAN 28
with VinylMaster CUT software.

No, it is not a Titan 2. It is a Titan. I also linked to the user manual.

When we retire the “old” one, I will remove it from the Tools list.

If anyone wants to correct this information or add anything, please feel free to do so. We all own the wiki.

Also - there is a Vinyl Cutter quick reference on the wiki, which is currently written around the “old” vinyl cutter. The page says “Notes by Jurie Pieterse based on class instruction from @Adam_Oas on March 1st, 2016.” Once we get a little more experience on the new vinyl cutter, it would be great to update this. I don’t have it currently linked to New Blu vinyl cutter because it’s not entirely correct/relevant there but it would be a shame to lose that information by not updating it.


Nice job! Thank you!

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