Dead Cars in the Parking Lot and More

If you own one of the “parked” cars. Please, get them off the DMS lot. Sooner rather than later.

Communicate with Logististics about when your vehicle will be moved. [email protected].

If you do nothing, your car will be towed.

Also, if you have a car leaking in the parking lot. It is your responsibility to stop the leak and clean it up.

Spray painting in the parking lot means NOT painting ON the concrete. Please use cardboard or paper underneath your items. Clean up after you are finished painting.

The parking lot is being treated poorly. That can cause neighbors to complain. If that causes our landlord to focus on us, that will mean tighter and stricter rules.


Also, control your damn overspray.

Painting at DMS should be banned outright.


Not sure WHY this is so hard, but it NEVER fails; overspray EVERYWHERE!!! This should be a suspendable or bannable offense.


At least until…PAINT BOOTH!

At some point, we are going to begin referring to time at the DMS in terms of B-PB and A-PB.

If only we were somehow going to get more floor space at some point in the near future…


I painted the DMS 240SX safety orange with a rattle can(s). I used copious amounts of paper to control over spray, and made sure to not paint the cars next to it. I know it’s a case of …this is why we can’t have nice things… but it can be done. I say punish the offenders by making them rent/borrow/use a power washer to clean up the parking lot instead of making yet another thing ya can’t do at the space. Of course if the powers that be decide it’s not worth the hassle, I would abide by the rules.


Parking lot? There have been cars oversprayed.


You know who the car owners are. The members(s) in question may not even read Talk forums. This is not the way to handle it.

A parable from a leadership class I once had:

A Manager had the same one or two employee always come in late on Mondays. He knows who they are because he sees them come in from his office, and their time cards are stamped. The other employees know who they are because…employees. The Manager sends out a memo: “It has come to my attention that some of you are coming in late sometimes. Please refrain form this activity”. One of the two perennially tardy employees scratches her head and thinks “hmmmm…he didn’t mention me specifically, he must not mean me”. The other one smiles his sneaky smile and thinks “my chicken-shit manager is too chicken-shit to confront me…I’ll just keep doing it”. The other employees seeing that the bad behavior goes unaddressed, other than by meaningless memo, when everyone knows who the tardy employees are and everyone knows the manager knows who the tardy employees are, decide “wtf, I’ll just come in late too since there are no consequences for bad behavior and my manager is to chicken-shit to confront us.” So more and more employees came in late, and later, and more and more memos are sent out. Etc., etc., etc.

Lesson: if there is a specific problem(s) and the specific person(s) causing the problem(s) is known, just deal with it directly, quickly, and professionally with the person(s). Handling in any other way, including ignoring, just leads to more of the problem, and other problems.


Each specific car will be addressed.

This is the polite notice that the issue is getting board focus. Get while the getting is good.

Also, the “Because they did it” excuse is just that. It is not a valid reason to break DMS rules.

Meanwhile, I know car issues can cascade. AND cars are VISIBLE. If this describes you, get in touch with Tom (TLAR on TALK) or Logistics if it is not an automotive issue, think of the van conversions.

(I am bloviating…)
I think the punishment should be if you are the cause of overspray, that you are given a very small toothbrush to clean up the mess and required to work on it at Noon on a hot day.

I would prefer that spray painting NOT be banned. Do not overspray!


There are at least two cars that we do not know who they belong to.

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Not our problem. Just tow them. Some have been there since the board election. In 2017…


I am OK with that, although this is not the first time “polite notice” has been given, most notably here:

OK, I stand corrected. Although it’s hard to believe no one (other than the owners) know who they belong to. I suggest posting pictures of the cars sufficient for identification and ask the membership to help out with identification. It’s been done before, for many different reasons.


Please help :slight_smile:




I’ve already offered once. If someone will give me a tag number or VIN I can look up the registered owner.


I doubt that’s going to work since the car was bought at auction?

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How many chances do we give people? A huge deal was made about parking a while back and now we are back to bending over backwards for people while they take advantage of us allowing them to break the rules. That thread was posted a week ago. Blows my mind that the car is still there. Tow it now. When? Now.


Sometime tomorrow?


Also, don’t we have it posted somewhere in the building what the parking rules are? If we do, there is no need for these talk threads. If we don’t enforce the rules, why do we ask people to follow them?


I’m not sure if we have the proper signage to be able to tow cars. I haven’t looked.

IIRC to tow cars, there must be a sign notifying people that they can be towed and informing them of the name of the towing company / impound lot their car will be towed to.

I’ll let the [other] armchair lawyers figure out the details.


I don’t know of anywhere in DFW where you can park a dead car for weeks or even longer unless it’s paid storage. This is common sense, a sign shouldn’t be necessary. I don’t recall ever seeing a sign that says don’t abandon your dead car in the parking lot, I thought everyone knew they would get towed for this.

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