Please put your last name and today’s date in the title.
Please provide
Your first name (as it appears in the Billing Portal):
Your last name (as it appears in the Billing Portal):
- One person per request
Michael Young
Please put your last name and today’s date in the title.
Please provide
Your first name (as it appears in the Billing Portal):
Your last name (as it appears in the Billing Portal):
Michael, I do not find your name in the directory of active (or inactive) Dallas Makerspace members.
When did you join, and did you use some other first name?
I found you this morning or yesterday and joined. I thought I did everythign correctly.
Joining Talk is not joining Dallas Makerspace (DMS.)
The Green Dot is used to indicate dues paying members of DMS. The Green Dot provides access to sections reserved for DMS members like one that is used to report issues with DMS equipment or facilities.