Works in Progress Ceramics shelves and upcoming cleaning day (2.7.21)

We’re really picking it up which is great! We’ve got a full calendar, new faces weekly, and we’re gearing up for the future. Keeping this in mind- I realize that shelving is a huge problem and it’s a problem that will not have a solution anytime soon. We need to remember to be considerate to other/new members which means doing our best to accommodate all with the current space that we have. Some of us have multiple projects going with short turnover, and others may have a few things going with long turnover times etc. Policy is that you have 30 days of ‘storage’ from the labeled date.

Plan accordingly and please be reminded of the following:

  • Bats must be labeled with name and date when the piece was thrown (blue tape and sharpie).
  • Pieces on bats that are unlabeled will be disposed of.
  • Pieces will only be allowed to remain on bats for a maximum of two weeks before being moved onto ware boards where they can remain for the remainder two weeks (30 day total).
  • Labels must be transferred from bats to ware boards.
  • Pieces on labeled ware boards will be disposed of 30 days after the labeled thrown date.

Q: I’ve been sick/out of town/at a silent retreat/wilderness training/getting my hair colored/oops forgot etc, but I REALLY want to finish my piece. What can I do to save it from getting tossed?
A: Comment here or message me and someone will update your label, giving you another 30 days to retrieve it.

If you have alot (4+) of items on the shelves, consider consolidating them in the same place, on the same ware board(s), under the same covering. If this isn’t doable, consider purchasing additional storage for your items. We need to be considerate of other members and new members which means making space for them.

If you have a few pieces, just make sure they’re labeled (recently).

The next deep clean day is Sunday, Feb. 7th. Please have your items organized and labeled by then as we will be cleaning out the Works in Progress Shelves.

Much of this information can be found on the Ceramics Wiki here.

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By “purchase additional storage” do you mean buy yourself a tub to take things home in? The little personal storage bins that DMS has are kinda small for pottery items. Plus, you can only have one. It would only be an option for people who don’t already have a personal storage bin.

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I was referring to DMS bins. I do take bisque home but taking greenware home seems like a big gamble to me.

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The $20 bins are the only on-site options at this time. I have seen folks transfer bisque ware from bins that they bring in. Works if you are using shredded paper or peanuts to reduce potential jostling