Woodshop Gripe 😕

@Azalaket the table saw filter needs some love, even after a full deep cleaning its measuring a low vacuum

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New filters are ordered and on the way. We just really need to be adamant about not letting them get too packed.

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I stopped the woodshop again today and ran everyone through the cleaning process. If we keep doing this over and over it will become second nature.


I’m new to the shop but in the last month I have noticed a few things. Here are my 2 cents:

  1. New filters will be needed soon. If price is an issue, then perhaps we can discuss a sustainable way to keep up with the shop’s demand.
  2. I’ve seen many people contribute with general clean up. However, it seems that until this week, the filters were neglected often. Hence why I agree that scheduled clean up times would contribute to solving this issue.
    This week, just like other people have done, I cleaned the filters twice with the help of others. Before cleaning the filters both cans were a quarter full. However the vacuum pressure gauge was at 5. The first time, the pressure dropped to 3 1/2 on both vacuums. The next day the pressure gauge read 5 with a quarter of the can full again. So I cleaned it again. On that same day someone else removed the filters and took them outside to clean again.

I agree it’s frustrating but I’ve met a lot of bright people here who can fix this problem. Like them I’d like to contribute to solving this. Keep me in the loop.


I thought the stop and clean the filters went well. It is definitely a multi person task.
Everyone should check before they start their project to see if a stop an clean is needed.
So many people are not on talk. We need a big white sign with red letters … Stop and clean it’s mediatory.


Question, some of the lagunas have an auto filter cleaning attachment that runs automatically when the pressure guage hits a certain mark. Are ours compatible with one of those, and would that be helpful?
I’ve also seen some that use a bag on the bottom of the filter as opposed to a cap to catch all the debris from the cleanout mechanism.


Surely this is explained in basic woodworking class?

While what happened in the WS is unfortunate, Knee jerk reactions or solutions is probable not in the best interest of DMS. Banning someone for using the WS that their membership pays for, because they’re not on, or use talk, is not the answer. To assume that even 1/10 of people participate in talk is to be deliberately misinformed.

I see this as a multi-fold solution.

  1. It’s been a couple of years since I took WSB, However, I don’t recall being shown how to clean the filters, and more importantly, that the Wood Shop is not intended for commercial purposes. The holidays will always be the busiest times in the space. However my observation has been some people abuse the DMS Membership by doing projects meant for a commercial facility; and worse, they use the equipment and don’t clean up after themselves. These 2 issues, if they’re not part of the current WSB training, should be. You can’t assume that everyone has the same expectations or ideas as the next when joining the space.

  2. The Dust collection system is dated and not as efficient as it should be. Like Clayton, I also use separate dust collections in my home wood shop. As Kris frustratingly pointed out, dumping the dust bins is not really a one person job; and certainly for one person, it’s not a job they should be doing two days in a row. I understand that frustration because I’ve changed the dust bins 3 times and the joiner/planer twice in the last month. I’ve only used the wood shop 5 times. This means every time I used the WS, I had to dump and clean it. That is not fair to any member. I think using buckets, especially in the joiner/planer area, makes more efficient and useful sense. Each person, after use in that area, could dispose of their chips and dust, making it clean for the next.

  3. I also think a general cleanup/dump schedule is in order. I don’t know if a shutdown 3X times per day, is the answer because there is too many ebbs and flows in the WS cycle. Daily or 2X week (emphasis on weekends) might be better.

  4. I don’t know the current financial situation of DMS, but I think if we could afford to buy 2 (much needed) lasers for 1000’s of dollars each, we could afford to spend a 1,000+ on decentralizing the DC system. I’m a little partial to a modified version of the old system where we had DC per area (eg. separate DC for Table Saws, Drilling, Turning, Sanding and Planer/Joiner)

  5. Lastly, whatever (broad) changes are made, should be clearly posted in the WS area. To visually see it every time you walk into the WS eliminates the excuse of not knowing/seeing what the proper protocol should be. When I visited the Makerspace in NY, they had a members bill of rights posted in the entrance of their WS. I liked seeing it and It was clean!

I think if we can do these things, and people still flaunt the rules, that’s when banning someone should be considered.


I took the WSB class about a year ago and I have no recollection of going over the dust collection unit’s proper maintenance.

I’ll be doing some cuts in the shop in the next few days and would not mind at all if someone with experience would show the proper way. Also, I would not mind bringing my GoPro to make an instructional video easily accessible for everyone to view when needed.


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Are you saying that members shouldn’t be allowed to sell stuff they make in the wood shop? Or are you saying you don’t remember being told that?

The answers and discussion are probably off topic to the discussion of dust collection, though…

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@jswilson64 I don;t think anyone cares if you make something and sell it…I think they care if you monopolize the equipment and cause undue wear and tear to make a living…


other than perhaps the IRS…but that would definitely be another topic

There’s only one MultiCAM - by using it I’m “monopolizing” it, by definition, yes?



(Insert image of Shawshank warden here) did you call me obtuse? :slight_smile:


lol…remind me to buy you a beer!


To clarify: the Laser Community funded the new lasers in full via their fees. We took no money from the General Fund.

This clarification in no way negates your very valid points about dust collection. Carry on.


If these folks would attend the board and member meetings they might know what is going on with the proposed dust collection upgrades…or how Laser and other moneys are spent on various things throughout the DMS.


That’s one way transparency flows: people coming to the information.
Another way: information coming to the people.
Both are good. Together, they are greater.
By purchasing a bulletin board, Laser has taken a first step towards getting its info out in the open.


So many personal problems that I don’t care about cluttering committee and board meetings though. Putting them on YouTube helps because I’m a lot more tolerant of this if I can work while I watch the meeting. If only we could just hear about DMS business during meetings and not drama.