Wood shop 101-104

if we took the old version of woodshop do we need to retake these 4 classes?

You are only one short course away from being fully certified in the entire Woodshop if you have not taken Woodshop 102 voluntarily in the past. That is the Woodshop 102 Crash Course and there are several on the calendar. It’s explained here: https://dallasmakerspace.org/wiki/Woodshop_Committee_Meeting_20190129

And it has been discussed frequently on Talk.


Is there a way to check if I have taken it or not? I dont remember

Swipe your badge at the kiosk outside of the door to Digital Media in the big Common Room

What if I’ve taken project classes that went over the tools in the crash course? Picture frames, pen blanks, etc all showed how to use this tools in 102.

Edit: To be clear it’s fine if the answer is still that we have to take 102, I just figured there are more people who’ve taken project classes like that so wanted to clarify

I am able to point folks at the rules as they exist. Got no authority to grant exceptions. I can only refer you to Mark Salas @Mrksls2, the Woodshop Chairman, for a decision.