Wood Lathe Class

I do have the following classes on the calendar now:

Tuesday, July 4
7:00pm Wood Lathe Basics
8:30pm Wood Lathe - Pen Turning

Wednesday, July 5
7:00pm Laser Basics (just plugging lasers :wink: )

Thursday, July 6
12:00pm Wood Lathe Basics
8:00pm Wood Lathe - Fountain Pen Turning

I didnā€™t realize I had posted for the holiday, butā€¦ Well, most will have had the day off to enjoy.

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Come on down Gorman, its gonna be a good timeā€¦The basics class is up on the events page for anyone that wants to sign up.

Seems all available Wood Lathe Basics sessions are already full: ā€œThere are no more spaces available for this event.ā€ Could you pleeeeease schedule more classes?

just show up on Sat. Iā€™ll make room for one more.

Saturday, July 8 10:00am Lathe Basics? Will do :). Thank you.