Winter outdoor heating solution

Hello! I was wondering if any of you smart minds out there might know of a good solution for a situation that will arise soon… I recently adopted a sulcata tortoise and took him to my parents in El Paso… It gets about as cold there as it does here (most of the time). My parents don’t really have a good outdoor electric plug in the back yard/porch and I was wondering about solar power? Or perhaps some sort of inexpensive outdoor radiator that uses very little propane or something? The other option is for them to bring him in when it gets cold, but he would have to be in a big box, which he probably won’t like. He has to be warmer than 60 degrees at all times… Does anyone have any ideas? I have looked on the tortoise forums, but they seem to all have the electric capabilities for heating pads and things. He will only be with them for maybe another couple of years, until I can get a house with proper electric and a better set up for him. I mean worse comes to worse, I bring him back to the person that gave him to me.

Have you checked out solar chicken coop heaters?

No, but I will :slightly_smiling_face:

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I used to have a lot desert tortoises when I was a kid in the 60’s in SoCal, biggest was probably 18" across shell and 20#. Mine would dig burrows in the winter and it was far from cold where I lived. Terrpins also would dig burrows.

Their favorite food we gave them (I had a lot of turtles and tortoises - about 50 over the years was iceberg lettuce - I think they enjoyed it the most for the amount of water they could get.

I would suggest identifying the species then look up what the temp range is they like and other habits. As car as a heated place, I’d get the smallest pet bed warming pad out of hard plastic heating pad. They are made for outdoors, put a couple inches or dirt over it with box upside down and one side open. The dirt is to slow down the heat transfer and will keep the pad from heating up a lot. Or go to pet shop and get the heating pads that put in chameleon enclosures - do the same thing.

Here’s a quick example: rated outdoors. They have some others that are adjustable temp that may work better if you can keep dry safely on patio.
pet pad warmer small

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Yes, thank you David :slight_smile: This might actually be perfect, I could get the medium one and it would be under the max 60 watt plug my parents have outside :slight_smile:

Please tell me you had some Chico’s Tacos while you were there.

Haha yes, I have had Chico’s tacos all my life :slight_smile:

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