Win32 Disk Imager Alternatives?

Continuing the discussion from [CLOSED] - REQUEST: Win32DiskImager installed on laptops:

Is anyone aware of any Win32DiskImager alternatives that can safely be installed (no malware/security risks) that is able to run without Administrator rights?

If so, please provide the name and URL where we can look into the details and safely download it from.

@denzuko ~ please “watch” this thread and open a new REQUEST in the #issues-requests thread if someone finds a suitable alternative that may work in our environment. Please note that it will still need to be reviewed and approved by the current Infrastructure Chair prior to installation. Thanks! :smiley:


Sure Lisa :slight_smile:

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Block level access to storage devices requires administrator rights. I usually use Rufus but it has the same issue of requiring administrator rights.

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[quote="lukeiamyourfather, post:3, topic:19712"] Block level access to storage devices requires administrator rights. [/quote]

So, I’m guessing it’s most likely not going to be an option? Or at the very least any option will be an “interesting” hack “work-around” to get past the limitations?

I know how to make a win32 “service” run with admin rights, but I’ve never been able to get an interactive app to run with admin rights without entering a password every time it runs.

yeah… I know ways around that. just not going to do that around here.

Guess the end story here is its not possible with dms computers and I should bring my own laptop next time. :sweat_smile:

That or keep a card reader available in vintage computers for members to use. Considering we need it to create floppies and CD images for older machines… might be an option but I’d rather clear it with the infrastructure chair first after voting.

@LisaSelk @StanSimmons There is a way to create a task scheduler job that runs as administrator and then create a link that allows one to run the task on demand. See if this helps:

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