Wild edge large (36” diameter aprox) cookies. Interested?

A house on my street is being demolished and some VERY big trees will soon be hauled away.

I contacted someone to help me make some slices so I could work on some coffee tables. He is coming this Saturday to do it.

I thought that someone over here might be interested in getting one. He’ll charge between $40 - $50 a piece. These are very big trunks.

If you are interested, please PM me. I have access to a pick up truck, but it will take many hands to move these pieces



I am interested. @crespnetche says the plan is for Saturday at 10am (probably). Trees (some kind of oak) are located in north Dallas around 75 and Royal Lane.

I’ll attend with my truck and horse trailer (it has a ramp). If others are interested, I can pick up pieces and deliver to DMS on Saturday afternoon. Delivery to other locations between DMS and McKinney can also probably be worked out: PM me for that. I’d like everything out of the trailer NLT Saturday.

Note that the trees’ trunks have not yet been cut - they may not be suitable if too storm-damaged.

(Updated the probable tree species).


I would definitely be down to do this. Two questions
If we cut our own slices or chunks, is that free?
When on Saturday is this going down?

Time is pending: @crespnetche is closing the loop with the tree guy.

Thank you Mike.

The fact that you have a trailer and you can take them to DMS will be so helpful.

My understanding is that it is oak, but I may be wrong.

The guy will be there at 9:45

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@Katelyn_Smith you want in on this?

thanks i completely missed that in your post somehow. On a realted not, does anyone know if DMS offers literacy lessons? Because it looks like it might need them


The guy will charge about $40 per slice

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wow those are huge. So, if I were wanting just 1 I can just show up with $40?

Are they for sure 36in or larger?

Also, is there any way that we can get a confirmation on the species before Saturday?

Is your guy going to get miffed if we show up with a half dozen chainsaws to hack it apart? :wink:

If the leaves on the ground in the photos belong to the tree then it seems likely to be red oak. I am not a pro at tree identification (at all) but oak is one of the few I feel some confidence about. I read through this article to determine that it appears to be red oak. 3 Ways to Identify Oak Leaves - wikiHow

The open pores on red oak is pretty definitive. I’ll look for it when I’m there in person on Sat.

Central Texas is a bit out of red oak’s native range (somewhat less so for white oak) but regardless it could have been planted/nurtured.

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That is the plan

I don’t think he’ll mind as long as we pay him for 6 or so slices. In order to have him show up I promised that we’d have at least 5.

I’d say, the more chainsaws, the merrier. Do take in mind though that for the widest part of the tree we do need a large blade, so if you have one 20” or larger bring it!!

Well, it should be good wood, then - I hope

On the widest part, it is definitely larger than 36”. I am no expert, I’ll go with poll here saying that it is red oak

I am learning every day, especially where it concerns trees and wood and whatnot. I’m eager to learn what it actually is!

@HankCowdog @zacharymarkson @apparently_weird

I found one. We can start making the cuts and as soon as the store opens (noon) we can get it and finish the center of the cookies, if you guys are still interested

Perfect. Got wrapped up in another project. See you at noon and will have an extra 16” saw for smaller sections.