Whose metal is this. The U shapes cut out?

This is not labeled as dms. I’m planning on taking it to the scrap yard as of right now. I saw 2 members cutting them out. But haven’t seen them in about a week. I will
Wait till I see a metal Shop comm. member. But personal storage is not allowed

Update- Someone contacted Chuck and he said to not haul it off. If the owners want me to haul it off I will.

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Someone might be able to check to video feed and identify the owners

Regardless there is no personal storage in the metal shop.


I spoke with @dallasmagna and Trent. It’s staying for now. Chuck wants to save the usable ends.


If we find out who owns it, it’d be swell to hear about the cutting. I’m wondering if those few there toward the end might be the cause, or result of, the burnt up torch/electrodes/etc.
Forensically, it’d be good to know/investigate…


Can I cut the usable ends off and add a few lbs to my load to help with gas money?

No need for language. It’s been resolved. This isn’t your problem to solve.


Yes. The angle on those 1/2 inch plate cuts was certainly less than 90 degrees. It looks like that burnt electrode we saw after your class came from that cut.

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What jkramer should have said is: “You’re sure interested in taking everything not nailed down for your own personal benefit. This doesn’t seem like you are being excellent, and make us a little nervous that you’ll accidentally recycle something that wasn’t yours to take.”

Helping clean out the scrap bin every once in a while is fine, but let’s not go overboard.


I understand that. It was a matter of a few dollars and being focused on
my own financial gain was inapproate. I was trying to clean up the most I could while I was doing the task. The 2 said pieces of metal are big and bulky and I was trying to make the metal shop a safety safer place by taking them. I ended up not having time to cut them down.