Who is working on http://learn.dallasmakerspace.org/

I am ‘NEW’ to makerspace. And I have been asking many people on how to get trained for the 3D printers. No one was able to tell me about LEARN. But someone reference it in a training session, and I looked for the site and found out that is were I can train myself on how to use the 3D printers.

But the next obvious question is, “How do I add content to LEARN?” I can not find a committee to talk to or find a list of interested people. I did take the Training for the 3D printer, but I don’t know if I am authorized now, or if I have to wait for the training to be processed. So many questions and so little time.

I presume that the site is a Moodle, but there is nothing that would indicate the requirements for updating the site. The 'DMS Basic Training Course Development Process.pdf’ Showed many thoughts about the process, but is in the middle of the conceptual model, and shows nothing on the current state of affairs. Page 19 of the document gives a Team_TrainDev as an email address, but there is no at (@) symbol, so I am not sure what the email address would be in its entirety.

BTW - I do understand the Definition of ID that apparently glazed the authors eyes over.

Can someone provide a contact, list of contacts, full email address for Team_TrainDev or a description on how to contact them.

And - since I took the online class for the 3D printers, am I allowed to use them?

There is an internal development priorities meeting tonight at the space that would be a great opportunity to ask questions and talk about this very same topic.

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That tags 14 people, who are interested in working on that.

It is.

There is not a process yet. It is a work in progress, as you indicate in the next few verses.

This comes off very condescending.

Should be a separate topic, maybe in Issues & Requests .

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I presume you are talking about the ‘DMS Developer SIG Priorities Meeting’ from 5 to 6pm?

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I did not mean it to come off condescending. If I hadn’t done the personal reading that I have, I would not have understood what a Instructional Design (ID) is or why it is important. I just want to add some content, and couldn’t figure out how or where to do so.

My philosophy is ‘Fix it now, Fix it forever, Fix it everywhere’. With a moving target you can’t do that, so at best I try to wing it, and I will make mistakes. If I am criticised for off hand comments… If I am belittled for effort… if I am told ‘no’ often… **I will stop trying ** - -

I am New. I joined 2017.10.26 - 3 weeks ago, and I am posting to find information and to follow protocol. I do not know what #issues-requests is, or if there is a link. Can you guide me…

(Ask First) - saves time
(Research yourself) - Learn more that way
(GRIT) - Never give up till you ‘take over the world’

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<self> IIT (Idiot In Training) </self>

I see now that I can click on #issues-requests

Thank you!

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It’s not really ready for that , yet. @AlexRhodes has been the reluctant caretaker, but I’m sure is always looking for knowledgeable help. He is part of the Team_TrainDev that I tagged before, so he will get notified of this thread and may swoop in with maximum satisfaction.

A fine philosophy. I am not criticizing you for “off hand comments”. I am attempting to help you understand why someone’s gander might be up after seeing that comment. Defensive people tend to be less helpful.

If you click the link Issues & Requests it should be reasonably self-explanatory. As a new member who may need assistance, this is one area of Talk you should be well-acquainted with. It is an indictment of our on-boarding process that you are not. If you see somewhere to add this information that would have helped you be aware, please let us know.

EDIT: I was too slow, you already figured that last bit out. The last clause stands, though.

First welcome to DMS! Second thank you for wanting to become involved. Third: welcome to what is at the bottom of the rabbit hole - don’t become discouraged. Besides the apparent madness on Talk, the real world is calmer. We even go out and break bread together … of course guns and knives are checked at the door.



To answer most of what I’m reading from @Jast and honestly I’m being bad by skipping over a bit in a rush so sorry @Jast if I miss something there or get it a little wrong.

I’ve been working with Alex on a few things and trying to help lift some of the weight off his and Stans shoulders both. Along with that came the use of our Github Tracker and the Priorities meeting tonight.

The process I’ve been advocating is putting bugs and features requests into github and we’ll address it at our Priority meetings every month to coordinate whom is taking on which commitment and if there’s any features/bugs that would hinder or improve more than just one committee. Mind you the meeting is not meant for a debate of how things get done but what should be done within the month before our next meeting and all without anyone feeling like they’re stepping on toes of which I’ve faced that with the calendar system once or twice.

Ultimately its understood that most of our membership is still posting on talk for issues and feature requests so those do get pulled into the project tracking on github but at a slower rate than if its already up there. All of this effort is really meant to help the membership and anyone such as yourself that’s wanting to volunteer with improving a system we use here at the space.

We have some classes in development, things run on volunteer time so they get done… eventually. I haven’t pushed too hard recently asking for people to complete classes but if anyone wants to create classes let me know. We have a few admins on the site that can add you as well but I can’t remember them all right now and I’m on my phone. (The management side of Moodle is not perfect on the phone.). Any of the chairs want Manager access over things let me know and I can give you access to it.

I have been personally working on “Multicam 2.0” with @Kentamanos and it’s about 60% done.

This is also related to The tool matrix (see Aug board meeting on wiki). We have identified which tools are suitable for online training. We just need to create the courses.

TL;DR:. YES anyone who wants to help create courses please let @Team_TrainDev know. Let’s make access to tools easier for all!

Yes, I would like admin access and to help move it along.

Moodle actually came up in today’s SW meeting, looking at how it ties to the architecture at the Space. Also, Dwight is looking at having a github class, and we would want to add that to Moodle.

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You have been added as an admin. You now have the rights to destroy everything :wink:


The biggest hold up right now is getting classes written down on paper before they go into Moodle. I would ask that anyone wanting to create a class in Moodle to:

  1. Write out the class in Word first—not Powerpoint or on video. There is a template in Moodle for one way a class can be constructed. That’s only one way, and other methods can be used depending on the subject.
  2. Send the Word doc to Team_TrainDev for review and collaboration. We will help you organize and explain your content.
  3. Then the course goes into Moodle.

FYI: Tommy and I are meeting Saturday to write the laser basics course.

I have asked several people at DMS to write out their content, even just outline it, on paper first and get the content to me to go into Moodle, but that hasn’t happened yet.


write out their content, even just outline it, on paper first and get the content to me to go into Moodle, but that hasn’t happened yet.

Well one would view it from a UX point of view in that is a rather high barrier of entry for the average modern user; since that’s three major time and largely cognitive feats while just going into one app and using one or two views to update content as one goes is a lot easier to get adoption.

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I sent the request to add R_Lauren to Team_TrainDev. Thank you for joining, and i/we welcome your help.

The “eyes glaze over” comment is definitely not condescending! For those who attended the meeting and/or reviewed the PowerPoint presentation – and @R_Lauren DID do that – that’s exactly how it was presented in the slide— as tongue-in-cheek humor.

@denzuko I understand your point, but the entry level isn’t as large as it may appear. Thanks for the input.

I am working up several different approaches now to suggest in a class on 11/28 (just scheduled tonight so it’s not on the calendar just yet). I hope you and @Team_TrainDev will attend to discuss.

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@denzuko For clarity, would you please explain this sentence? I’m not sure what you mean. Maybe an example?

@denzuko I spoke with Kris today, and she explained your perspective from a software developer’s point of view. Putting content into Moodle isn’t difficult, but writing and constructing learnable content requires a different set of skills.

The motto GIGO–garbage in, garbage out–holds true for training as well. My primary concern, and the reason I started @Team_TrainDev, is to ensure that classes–whether instructor-led, online in Moodle, or delivered by any other means–are constructed and written well so that they are effective for brand new and existing members. If learners aren’t prepared well and cannot perform the tasks taught, then the training isn’t effective. Putting job aids and videos into Moodle doesn’t always translate to effective learning.

This Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 6:30 p.m., I’ll be presenting Step 1 of 3 in Moodle Development: 3 Easy Ways to Capture Class Content on Paper. I will address the first “cognitive feat” then.

As far as I’m concerned, after the content is instructionally sound, the actual Moodle development can reside in Team_TrainDev or it can progress into a team of Moodle experts. I’m open on that.

I have Bridgeport class on 30th

Excellent! Now on my calendar!!!