I won’t say that’s anything new. If people are not watching others, then they cut a lot more corners. My grandfather had a house built in the 60’s, he would go over every night after work & kick out any 2x4 or 2x6 that were not plumb & level. That’s probably where I get the things that bother me. If it isn’t plumb or level, it drives me nuts. Even stuff I do will occasionally not be quite right & it bothers me.
The house I grew up in was built in the 70’s, When I was a kid I remember looking in the vents to see empty beer cans & soda cans with pull tops.
“Back in the day” tract home builders would lay the forms for the foundation, place the rebar, and call the city for inspection at the end of the day before the foundation was poured the next day. After the inspector left, they’d take up about half the rebar and move it to the next house for inspection the next day, and pour the foundation at zero-dark-thirty before the missing rebar would be noticed. Each home down the line would have inadequate reinforcement in the foundation, which would fail years or decades after the builder had dissolved and re-started as a new corporation, protected from the misdeeds of the old corporation.
Not sure how prevalent this practice is now, but if you’re having a house built it behooves you to be on site as much as possible, understand as much as possible, measure things for yourself, take as many pictures as possible before things are covered up and enclosed, be there when things are covered up or enclosed, verify materials are what is spec’d on the plans. If they say 3/4" plywood don’t let them use 1/2". If they say cement board don’t let them use green board. etc etc etc
You can be onsite too much and demanding the crew to fix stuff. Had a friend that found many surprises to get back at him for being too inquisitive. in the closets
I’m a contractors worst nightmare. I document almost everything, I used to document conversations with date & time, not so much anymore. I once had an insurance adjuster caught by surprise with everything I had documented.