Where is our vise?

Where did our vise go to? It is needed for the sppon raising class
a week from Tues

Also is anyone else interested in learning to raise or sink copper (or silver)
bowls and vessels? I have done a little of this and so has Sue I am interested in
doing more of them

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I’ve been interested in anticlastic raising with sinusoidal stakes, and other types of related projects. Also just putting shallow convex in something I do for fiberarts (similar to what you’d do for spoons and such).

I wish we had a stump with anvil and/or stake holder in jewelry. I’ve asked about it a couple times but not sure what became of things. I’m guessing space/logistics. But I think it’d see some use given discussions with a few people I’ve had.

So…jewelry wishlist…stump, anvil, nice variety of stakes…

Sue has a stump that she will gibe us, She can t lift it into her var
on out when she get here

Check out some of the YTs on raising copper bowls Then are not
using as many fancy tools as I expected

I intend to try to at least get us a slice of wood with a dishing area in it
Ethan from blacksmithing is also interested

I intend to come out early a week from Tues before the spoon class and play around
some with it

Need to check with @nausser915 on bringing in the stump first because I suspect part of the issue is where it’s gonna live since space is always at a premium

There has been a discussion of rearranging the area with casting at the back and forming and forging
toward the front

I would also like to see us have a draw bench It can be very narrow and the stump might could live inder it
with the redesign of fired arts we will now have that side to use