Where are paper towels?

Ceramics is completely out - where do we find paper towels?

Assuming they are the plane white paper towels, all shared supplies should generally be in the maintenance/cleaning closet off the common room. All members have access.

If there’s only one of an item left, please leave it for the cleaning service to use - and if we are getting low on something - please let logistics know on either Talk or Discord.

(If it’s special ceramics paper towels or otherwise, then ignore this)

The supply closet off the common room. Southwest corner. Your badge should open the door.

Discord? There’s no venue for notifying Logistics on that platform other than shouting into the aether on e.g. ‘questions’ channel.
On Talk we can at Team_Logistics


I mean that is fine -shrug- I’ll admit we probably need to have a logistics/infra/facilities request channel, but I’m still waiting on clarification about what the heck some of those are