When is there NOT a class in Ceramics?

I’ve been trying to start a project for almost 3 weeks now and it seems like every evening there’s a class in the comittee area. As soon as it looks open one hits the calendar. It’s great that its active, but is there a blackout date or something where I can plan to work?

I’m missing something here, are you trying to schedule a class or work in the ceramics area?

It is hardly ever busy at 3am :stuck_out_tongue: , We have allowed people to schedule events that take up areas for projects, for example Digital Media. I think you could schedule an “Open Work” event on the schedule but check with the chair.


At the beginning of break I was going to do both but since it’s so active at this point I’m just trying to find a day I can work.

Maybe. I don’t wanna derail their class train and for a project this delicate would prefer it wasn’t part of a class because then I’d be focusing on the students. Figured someone would know if there was an off day when they are not having any

@Monikat they did start scheduling classes so a wheel was always open.

So it’s fine to be at the slab roller while the wheel people are doing their thing?

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And, if you want to come by Thursday night, that’s not so much a class as “Let’s be doing something in Ceramics”. You are welcome. The 4 folks I let sign up won’t swamp the space we’ve got. And, frequently, nobody signs up. It’s usually Murphy’s Law in action. Do I have a plan I need to do? I have folks who want the demo…


Yes, please look up the committee meeting notes about 4-5 months back. They did black out a couple of open times to come in and work.
If you feel this is still an issue after you look it up. See if you can get a review and evaluation entered in the next committee meeting agenda.

I am wondering with the chair meeting to hash out how honorarium issue on Friday, How will this effect the mass amount of classes already booked for July?

I thought the reduction in honorarium classes was to start July 1. I may have that date wrong? Anyone have that date?

@MrsMoose yes it is fine to be at the slab roller when there is a class on the wheels. Keep in mind you might want to use the tables along the wall instead so that if the class needs to wedge they have room to do so. Classes are set for 5 students so there is a wheel open at all times.

@meanbaby the plan from the chairs is due on 7/1. Until we have a game plan set for the committees as a whole we not altering classes already on the calendar.

@brendamvilla FYI…

Thanks! Yon gingerbread house is a lot of slab work and I didn’t wanna be that guy! Unfortunately for slabs they also are space hogs in the scale I’m going to do and don’t appreciate moving until its assembly time lol

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I’d hope they wouldn’t retroactively not pay classes without contacting someone. That would be quite unexcellent.

It’s not an issue. I love seeing ceramics being active again! I am just trying to be courteous since I’m aware of what is about to go down. A Victorian house with a min. 12" scale isn’t a tiny footprint. Its already going to need it’s own firing haha


Thanks Monika! I was thinking it’s 7/1 but wow, that is just around the corner.
Sorry I was not clear, I was mentioning all classes for all Dept. the calendar for July was amazingly full when I tried to book an event today.

I was there tonight around 8pm and there wasn’t a soul there. In general, Monday nights are pretty dead around the space.

And the weekday classes on the calendar are in the evenings. I’m guessing that if you can come in around 9am you would have about 9 hours before the classes start.

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There are no classes Thursday nights to not interfere with tours. There might be other people working but no classes.