When is the next TIG welding class

Checking to see when a TIG class will me offered?

I can do a one on one (which I prefer), but I can put a class up sometime during this month (most likely land on a Saturday or Sunday).

Another good time, is after the metal shop meeting on the 9th, after any chores that need to be done in the shop.


John, this is Dick Smith. We spoke on the phone on Wednesday. I would be up for a one on one TIG class. Is it ok if its in a few weeks on either Saturday or Sunday?

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Or actually I would also be available for a one on one any weekday also.

I can do this Monday, since it’s labor day, at 1pm. Maybe any tuesday or Thursday after 5pm.

Otherwise, just let me know what Saturday or Sunday in the future.

I have interest in the TIG class but may have a conflict with Sat 9/9/23.

Let me know what would be a better date. It definitely wouldn’t be Sept 9th. I’m currently thinking Sat or Sun the 23rd or 24th

John, Good morning and a Happy Labor Day to you.
I do need checked off on TIG at sometime.
This month is kind hectic for me. This week I’m having my truck worked on. Also I’m doing a trade show Sat 23 and Sunday 24 so I would not available be able.
After those dates, I am open. I appreciate your help.

If you’re looking for just a check-off, then we can do that at 12pm on Tuesday or Thursday, or anytime Saturday Sunday. We can aim for next month then, when your schedule clears up.

Thanks. After my schedule opens up, l’ll let you know when a Saturday or Sunday is good. Thanks

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