So, I was perusing the event calendar, and I noticed that there’s a Hot Process Safety class on 9/22. I can’t run a MIG class right after that, because I’ll be at FenCon.
Tuesday night? Friday night? The following Sunday (9/29)??
So, I was perusing the event calendar, and I noticed that there’s a Hot Process Safety class on 9/22. I can’t run a MIG class right after that, because I’ll be at FenCon.
Tuesday night? Friday night? The following Sunday (9/29)??
I plan to attend the next hot process safety class on 9/22 and was hoping to catch the next MIG class after that. I’m not sure if this works for everyone else, but Mon 9/23 would be good for me. If not, I will just have to catch the next one in October
Argh. Unfortunately, I’m working Monday until 7pm. I’m thinking that’d put it awfully late for a work night. (That wouldn’t start until 8pm)
I’m interested in MIG. Friday night works. Sunday after 2 pm works. Tuesday not so much.
Thank you for teaching it!