Do we have specific jig saw blades used for cutting aluminum?
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If I were a betting man, I would say “we do not”, even if I thought we might (I’m about 80% sure we do not).
I’ll follow up by asking what you’re wanting to cut, because jigsawing is probably not “the best” way to get that severance at DMS, and we can probably think of another way that will get it done for you…
I’m trying to cut a small rectangular piece of aluminum (about 1/4” think) into a specific shape. I know I can’t use a lot of tools to cut aluminum, but I heard you can do it on a jigsaw. I also heard that angle grinders and aluminum is a big no no.
Ablatives and non-ferrous materials do, indeed, not mix well. Ordinarily I’d suggest a band saw, but I’m not clear on whether those in the Machine Shop are working ( @TBJK could weigh in on that, and might have other ideas, too). Depending on the shape, they might not be conducive anyway. The idea of the jigsaw is a good one, but the jigsaw in Metal Shop tends to travel, and I’m 100% certain I’d recommend you bring your own blade. A quicky search on Amazon brings up plenty of choices…
And you CAN use flapper wheels on the angle grinder to “finalize” the shape, if you get it roughed out using some other technique.
The bandsaw in the machine shop would be an appropriate tool BUT we only stock 5/8” blades so you would not be able to do tight curves and radii. That leaves the Dynatorch
Depending on how small small, the Dynatorch could work. I’ll be up there tonight for a 6:00 PM powder coating class if you’re there, happy to help if I can.
Angle grinders and flap wheels are OK
Angle grinders and aluminum cutting/grinding wheels are OK
2 x 72 Belt Grinder is OK, but supply your own belts for that.
Bench Grinders are strictly forbidden for use with non-ferrous. You do not want a rapidly spinning wheel coming apart in your face when the expanding metal fatigues the wheel and causes it to come apart as flying shrapnel.
Here’s an angle grinding blade you can purchase and use.
Strict cleanup is required if you do this at DMS. Some here are very cautious and afraid of aluminum dust.