Have actually considered this in the past. Guess I should’ve researched it! Also tend to believe that fear/surprise create the same hormonal response - adrenaline. Will have to have more coffee to do anger/disgust, happy, and sad. Oxytocin for happy?
I have questions:
What happened to happy, exhilarated, empathy, and love? What about nervous, pensive, and apprehensive? Don’t proud and doubtful actually exist?
Who does these reductionist studies? What qualifies them to typify the human condition, and box it into a tight little corner of their own making?
Honestly, I’ve come to believe that the people who write articles of this sort (and the kind of pseudo life hacks which appear in Cosmo or People magazines), are actually New Yorkers who live in a cracker box apartment, 6 blocks from their office. They project their own shortcomings into their very well-considered pieces, and live essentially, clinically psychotic lives. Somehow, being a hack writer qualifies them to wax deeply upon just about whatever subject their editor has fixated to, at that moment.
Read more here … https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(13)01519-4
Wait, isn’t Cell the magazine that originated at the MD Anderson research hospital in Houston? I thought their primary focus was on cellular biology and genetics…what the frack are they doing meddling in pop psychology?
The questions still stand.
I’ve read some pieces on the chemistry of love. The psychotropic chemicals involved are complex (they’ve identified over 50). It seems to be one of the brain’s more complex mechanisms, lots of balls juggled in the air at the same time.
These researchers don’t seem to think that love exists. I tend to discount their work. Love is without doubt existent, heralded in 1000s of years of our literature and Art, and foundational in our very being. It’s the thing that binds people, families, communities, and nations.
I think there is not a unique facial expression for love. Love covers alot.
Humans are different from many other species, but we share some fundamental emotions with a few. Have you ever seen a dog smiling? Conventional wisdom taught by Science, tells us that dogs don’t smile; it’s just the way their faces are built.
Hogwash! Dogs are very loving creatures, just like us. They stay with us because we feed them, but they bond to us in a symbiotic relationship because they see in us a reflection of their own ability to love. They guard us, they express their affection to us; when we reject or abandon them, they are distraught and emotionally crushed.
Dr. Rachel Jack and a team of scientists at the University of Glasgow.
Probably their PhDs in Neuroscience and Psychology?
You just did that CNN 5 word snippet thingy. Clip 5 words out of context, then use that snippet to drone on about whatever happens to be the narrative. It’s sooo pedestrian, but it must be factual because Fredo Cuomo is saying it on CNN…
Back to the subject; truthfully (and this is just my opinion) this is S#!t Science. One of the basic emotions is surprise? Seriously? Surprise can be an autonomic reaction, a lizard brain impulse to a sudden or shocking stimulus. Pop a picture of gore, or sex, or violence in front of the subject; and whatever their response is an emotional response, because we’re doing a study in emotion, based on facial muscle contraction. Did you ever seen Michael Jordan’s face when he was doing a slam dunk? I would love to read their analysis of that.
“97% of Scientists concur with Global Warming”…except that 97% of Scientists don’t work in Climatology. It’s just more vacuous narrative, to program the drone army of supplicants.
You may remember from the awesome hair contest that.
Microsoft visual AI has these emotions for people.
“emotion”: {
“anger”: 0.003,
“contempt”: 0.033,
“disgust”: 0.001,
“fear”: 0.0,
“happiness”: 0.157,
“neutral”: 0.804,
“sadness”: 0.001,
“surprise”: 0.0
You asked who did the study, I actually clicked the link and found out for you. You asked what their qualifications were, and I provided that as well.
Well over 99% of climate scientists believe the climate is warming and that humans cause it. Scientists with more expertise in climate are more likely to support the theory that humans are causing climate change. https://static.skepticalscience.com/graphics/Expertise_vs_Consensus.jpg
Skepticism is healthy and part of the scientific method. “Nuh-uh, I know better than people with PhDs in the field,” however, is not scientific skepticism.
Sorry, you don’t get to qualify the bogus media narrative to make it more palatable; “97% of Scientists concur with Global Warming” was the line, and you’re stuck with the consequences of it. It is an inanely illogical statement on the surface, designed to program the masses.
My Son-in-Law is a Climate Scientist. His job funding is based on finding affirmative evidence for man made gerbil worming. He could work in Oil & Gas, and triple his earnings; but Social Justice is such a powerful drug, he just can’t break away.
Have a great day. I can see your mind is made up and you know better about science than those with PhDs in their fields. I’m sure when we’re having snowball fights in August you’ll relish the “I told you so” all the more.
This seems to be a very emotional topic for you.
I’ll ignore the sweeping generalizations in your argument, and sincerely wish you a good day, too!
I hate to cast dispersions on your faith in higher education; but, let me remind you: Dr. Timothy Leary had a PhD from Harvard’s Psychology Dept., Barack Obama was a Constitutional Law professor, and Thomas Migley had degrees in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. Migley has the distinction of inventing chlorofluorocarbons (Freon) AND leaded gasoline. In 1944, he came down with Polio, so he invented a machine to prevent bed sores by turning his body. His machine strangled him in his sleep.
Meet me Buenos Aires in August, we can have the snowball Battle Royale…
There won’t be any snow ball fights in August in Texas while we’re alive. How bout finding research from the scientists that say our warming is par for course every 2500 years? Oh wait. The people who paid for that study keep it buried. What about the studies that contradict what Nixon thought about marijuana? Oh yeah, that got buried too. When “they” pay scientists to study a subject wanting the evidence to prove them right when it actually proves them wrong, we never hear about it. Only what CNN and Al Gore say gets on tv. Did you know all of al gores kids go to Harvard? The rarity of that is like getting stuck by lightning everyday! Unless he just breeds geniuses…
Did “they” tell us the truth about 911? No. Did they tell us the truth about the Russian conspiracy? No. Do they tell us whenever a nuclear accident happens or when water gets tainted? Not until people start dying! So why would I believe in something that all these proven liars tell me is about to happen in 12 years? Didn’t gore say something about global warming that should’ve happened already and still hasnt?? Yet some will still believe the wolf in sheeps clothing after they’ve seen it kill another sheep…sheeple
In August 1914, a Serbian officer named Lt. Mulan Milankovich just happened to be in Vienna when World War I broke out. Those were days of honor, so the Austrians didn’t throw him in the brig, they just placed him under gentleman’s arrest, and told him, “Don’t leave town”.
Milankovich spent the next few years in the Vienna Public Library, reading about Ice Ages, and forming his theory while working through some very interesting Maths.
By the end of the War, Lt. Milankovich had derived the equations which explained how the Earth’s orbit, tilt, and eccentricity provided for the climate changes which brought on the Ice Ages and following thaws. His model predicted 2 unknown Ice Ages which were later confirmed in the Vostok Ice Cores.
Now for a simple question: to your knowledge, have you ever heard Al Gore utter the name, Mulan Milankovich? Neither have I…this is the “settled Science” of long term Climatology, and CNN has never even heard of it.
Pro tip: Al Gore is a politician, not a climate scientist.