What could the new woodshop use?

So with the bigger space coming and the huge upgrade to the woodshop I figured I’d start a discussion after seeing other committees asking what their new space would like to see.

I am no way in charge of this but maybe this thread will offer some insight to some of the woodshop user’s ideas.

Things I’d like:

-assembly and work tables with removable/replaceable tops with dog holes for clamping (I’ll provide sketchup and cnc files)
-Mft3 table for the track saw so people can break down panel goods and get square cuts without fuss
-narex chisel sets or cheaper alternatives that we took better care of
-new router bits (cheap is fine if we are often replacing)
-collapsible finishing station/room
-drying racks that can be “checked out” for 2 hr period of time
-more clamps! I know the k bodies are expensive so maybe just more pipe clamps
-optimizing clamp storage
-a purchase station/area for consumables that we don’t already have (masks, can’t think of other stuff)


Just thought of another thing. We (including myself) do a lot of pocket hole stuff. All the k4 and k5 systems could be funded a purchase of one kreg foreman.

Saves everyone time, less random pieces missing etc.


Shop stewards.


How about the WoodShop , metal, & Electronics get together and Build a smaller Wood CNC router table… There are many ways to build a Cheap Wood CNC router… Examples below … ( Mach 3 & Mach 4 are software packages that drive the Steppers, easiest, out the parallel port of an older PC )
Take G-Code , load in to Mach 3 or 4, Cut the wood or light metal…

Pretty good price on this whole set up… Even comes with Mach 3 … …>>

A video of a Table top CNC I built years ago using Mach 3 & Bob Cad … >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzWQNAs0RjU

Info on Mach 3 & 4 … >>> Newfangled Solutions Shop


There is the shapeoko 2 in creative arts already?

I would love this. I’ve also suggested outsourcing a maintenance person that can tune up and maintain all of the power tools on a monthly basis if our budget allows.

There is a donated small router table in storage. It is old as I think it has a parallel port on the computer with it. It was a $1200
Kit. Brand forgotten.

Start there. If nothing else, take it apart for the motors.


I’d like to look at it… Probably can be salvaged…

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If the decision is made to get rid of it I think I may have a home for it in my home workshop. Been wanting to get a small entry level CNC setup to practice with before building a much larger home CNC setup.

Yeah, It would have a nice home here also … LOL…

I would support a rebuild using those parts.

It is long and narrow. I want to say 18" wide and 48" long. I could be off either dimension. It is sitting on end in the storage unit fartherest from the street.

Last time I looked at it was 5 months ago.

More face plates for wood turning.


Revised rules ( prohibiting only the plainer and other tool that get gunked up ) or a permanently set up miter saw and table saw approved for pine.

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A lathe that can be uses by someone that can t stand for a long time

I have been told that woodshop is getting the Shapeko
If so will they allow it to be used on metal

Extra/spare 1/4" and 1/2" collets for the tabletop routers. We’re down to one of each, and the 1/4" one is kinda jacked up.

LARGE signage about the ban on yellow pine if you actually mean to follow through on the ban. Every night that I come in to the woodshop I see people cutting/planning/ jointing the stuff, and every single one is both unaware of the ban, and don’t care and continue to do their cutting.

I was under the understanding that the Shapeoko was going to wood shop with the expansion.

Right, that’s the plan unless something has changed. I was saying that it was in CA in case the person asking needed to use it now and let them know that it exists if they didn’t already.

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Re: discussions on table tops, MFT tables, etc.
This craigslist post could be the source for really cheap and durable table tops and shelving. Cut 'em to size, drill 'em with clamp holes, cut up to make shelves, use 'em, abuse 'em, discard 'em … all for a dollar!


glue-up racks …