As many of you know, Digital Media is planning to build an audio booth in the room where our old lobby used to be. To access the audio booth, we would like to cut a doorway in the wall that separates digital media from the former lobby (where the tv is mounted). Direct entry to the booth from DM is ideal because it will minimize the noise that enters the booth from the rest of the space. In trying to get started on this, we have found that the wall is definitely not drywall. Does anyone know what that wall is made of? This information will help us immensely in planning our great renovation : )
If you look at the walls in the warehouse, it looks like they are concrete. The places we’ve cut access through were originally access points when this was all one business, and then they were bricked up using cinder blocks. Your wall is probably concrete.
Based on what I’ve seen above the ceiling tiles replacing lights, and the handrail installations I did in the restrooms, I suspect that they are sheetrock over metal studs. The wall separating the 102 warehouse from the front of the building might be load bearing, hence the cinder blocks @dryad2b mentioned there.
You could pop a ceiling tile or two in the lobby or Digital Media and see if the wall extends all the way to the roof. If not, you can see the top plate of the wall as well as the sheathing material to confirm metal vs wooden studs and sheetrock thickness.
The walls between 102 & 104 are not concrete or cinder block. The west wall is concrete but will have likely (steel) studs installed with drywall over that. Non of the walls are load bearing, the buildings construction is tilt wall, hence all the pillars.
Now the wall on the south(between 104 & 106) side is concrete & cmu(cinderblock).