If you do this:
Use this:
Make it look like this:
Your momma doesn’t clean up after you anymore…
… and eat more veggies.
Your momma doesn’t clean up after you anymore…
… and eat more veggies.
I have been waiting a LONG time for someone to finally get real about toilet etiquette to the point to where I have thought about starting a website called: “Flush the Damn Commode Right, You Godless Couchf*ck”
It is amazing that we appear to live in a civilized, high tech society and yet I have been in high level research buildings populated by scientists, post docs and RAs, walked into a stall, and then walked right the hell out while pouring brain bleach all over myself.
How do people think you can stuff an infinite amount of paper into a porcelain fixture and NOT expect it to clog when you flush? It is plumbing - not the T.A.R.D.I.S. I am particularly amazed when people stuff up a commercial tankless unit - you have to work at that. (unless the water pressure is really dodgy)
JAG “Tired of this Crap Too” MAN
See worse in that bathroom. So bad I had to walk right back out and put on a hazmat suit and go back in with a flamethrower!
How they say…A pict saves 1k words. Well done.
I didn’t realize we have a scrub brush, I will definitely use it. Also toilet etiquette, it’s not that hard to put toilet paper rolls on the holder, you squeeze the metal clips, open it up, put a new roll in, and close it. I seem to do that every time I come in there.
I have seen much much worse…
Point WELL made, but this is getting a little too graphic for me. Stan, I will put a warning label on this post for the sanity of others.
Nothing personal, David or Stan.
JAG “Exit, Stage Alpha Centauri” MAN
I agree. That pic was too graphic. I changed it to a new pic with smoke and flames instead of human excrement.
Thanks. I wasn’t asking you to remove it or flagging it per se; I just thought in the spirit of being excellent it was best to put a disclaimer on there. (we do have ladies on the talk board and my experience has shown they don’t like viewing things of that nature)
The new picture is great, BTW as it is original, humorous and also makes a clear statement! I might be for printing it out and posting it on the stall door with a quote like: “Hazardous Waste Must Be Removed per OSHA Regulations”.
Maybe one of those Hazmat diamonds on there too…
JAG “In Case of Emergency, Spray Glade” MAN