Welding Practice Coupons?

We have 100s

I need to learn to weld. May I ask, what are practice coupons?

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Weld coupons are cut pieces of metal (steel, usually, but can be any metal you’d like to weld) used to practice welding.
Here is an example.

Here’s an example of a pro, using some aluminum coupons to practice/show off ally burning skills


oh nice! Thanks!

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There is a box of them on the floor next to the big bench grinder. There is also a bunch in the cabinet next to the teacher cabinet. Also the scrap bin. I learned to weld using scrap metal. You don’t need coupons unless you are in schools and an instructor needs to grade you against your peers.


Do you wan to get together to Prato e our welding?

Yes definitely. Practice would be good. I have a lesson schedule for next Monday, which will be my first time to try it. So I have no idea what I am getting into lol. But I assume like anything else, it gets better with practice. I have a couple projects I want to do as well. But first, got learn how to do it! Have you done any yet?

Are your lesson schedule at DMs, with Randy?

DMS yes, but no, lessons are with John

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Is there a suggested donation for these? I use them for aligning stuff on the fixture table but I haven’t tried welding any yet.

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oh good question, following!

@rlisbona might have some opinions that differ from mine but honestly they are taking up floor space and collecting dust so I would say use them.

I would prefer the box of 1/4" tabs not be used for beginner mig welding coupons, they are better suited for milling projects or classes. Im Ok with Tig welding practice or anything used in a project you are working on.

I donated them but dont like the idea of them being wasted since we couldnt afford to buy parts like that.

Can you put them somewhere that isn’t the floor? Like one of our cabinets?