Welding Class Schedule

It’s probably in the approval queue and will show up soon

My brother and I would like to be at the next welding class. That’s two more if anyone is counting.

Kenny Rogers

Hello Danny. Thanks for offering the welding course. We weld at our shop, but we think we are missing some finer points of the art. We’re self taught with a little advice from experienced welders through the years. we’d like to sign up for your course but we have not seen a welding safety class that supposedly is a prerequisite. Is there any way we can get that safety class taught before or as an introduction to your class?

Thanks for your time.

Kenny Rogers and Mitch Rogers

A potential member would like to know when the next Welding courses are scheduled? H wasn’t able to locate them on the events page.

Hello, will there be another safety class available soon?

I think Andrew has been offering these about once a month; however, this thread indicates that some changes are happening with the metal shop so you may want to come to the committee meeting on Sunday morning to see what is happening.

Alright, Its been awhile because since my cars been in the shop, and have been working overtime. I’ll see if I can come this sunday.

Ive been interested in taking a welding / welding safety class.

Are there any plans to teach a class anytime soon? Or any individuals who would be willing to show me the basics of welding? Thanks.


I have returned. I suppose we could meet up informally for now. I am thinking of doing quick and dirty GMAW classes for small groups.

I don’t even know if you’re still around. But hit me up I suppose.

Reminder: the safety class is a prerequisite for using the welding machines in the metal shop, for both instructor and students alike.

There will be a metal shop committee meeting sometime soon. If you’d like to be an instructor, you should attend.


@Afloyd 's Welding Safety class was top-notch when I took it from him. Although I never had an opportunity to weld with him, I sure hope he takes up teaching hands-on as he has plenty to offer.
Lord knows there is unmet need on the welding front!


Welcome Back Andrew (@Afloyd)! :slight_smile:

The Safety Class that I attended of yours was both very informative and entertaining!

Chuck is the Chairperson over the Metal Shop now, I believe… You might want to touch base with him to let him know that you used to be the Welding Safety Class trainer, and see if there is anything he might want you to include when you start getting classes set up again. :slight_smile:


Yes, Andrew’s safety class was both one of the most informative classes I have taken at DMS while being, heads and shoulders, the most entertaining class I have ever taken period.

Glad your back Andrew!


I am indeed interested in meeting up. I just hope it is scheduled at a time I can attend. I only have six hours a day where I am not sleeping or enslaved to some guy in a fancy suit.

Thanks for the kind words, folks.

I did like teaching the safety courses. I actually have some new gear to show off if I did it again. But seeing as my time these days is extremely limited, I am wondering if we cannot make a kickass video with a quiz!

Might expedite things. But anyway! Back to welding.


blush In that case, welcome back!


Thanks, boss!

I do want to keep in line with the rules and be of use. It is just going to be hard to catch me with how bad my work life balance is.

I don’t know if this thing has private messages, but please send me one when you get things sorted.

I’m no-ones boss. :slight_smile:

I have met at least one young man who claimed otherwise!

I noticed there aren’t any safety welding classes coming up, any possibilities with having some classes soon?

@LeeCJones @Photomancer – I’m willing to teach the classroom safety training, assuming that it is still the same as it was when I last took it.