I’m looking for one document that describes endpoints that:
aren’t defined in the discourse API specs,
aren’t defined in the helpdesk API specs
aren’t defined in the wordpress API specs
describes functionality that is( or should be) conceptually isolated from the inner workings of Helpdesk, Wordpress, Discourse.
We can focus on my example of number of members.
Another space may choose not to use discourse, helpdesk, or WP, but may still want to provide an endpoint for reporting membership counts.
This count shouldn’t be provided by discourse API
This count shouldn’t be provided by helpdesk API
This count shouldn’t be provided by wordpress
This count should be provided by x
I’m looking for documentation/wiki on x, If it exists.
Ok thank you. That greatly narrows the scope from a “Monster” to “Piece of Cake” . Mind you I’m a certified scrum master and battle hardened professional coder. When asking questions one shall be specific to get specific answers,
Now, said api of https://total.members.api.dms.local/does not exist nor has there been a requirement stated prior. At best one needs to connect to the active directory servers and query for total active accounts, at worst get with an admin on @Team_infrastructure to setup an api key and access to http://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/admin/users.json
IMHO, the quickest way to get one stood up is setup a python-eve/flask application and create a controller blueprint that imports pyad. Route could be /users/:name returns user, /users/ returns an array of all users with a status parameter for active or deactive accounts.
Once its coded up, send me the git repo and unit tests
I’ll bundle up the Dockerfile and TravisCI deployment. Errors would be reported on the travis-ci site and emailed to @team_infrastructure, though we may change this to also include create new issues on github automatically.
Thanks @StanSimmons for providing the url and example output.