Way to subscribe to DMS Events Calendar?

When we used Gmail calendars, I could subscribe and get the calendar of events on my phone calendar. Is that possible with the system as it is right now?

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subscribe to https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org/events/feed ?

Go to other calendars and then click “Add by URL”


Thank you! That is exactly what I needed!


Added a wiki entry on this; https://dallasmakerspace.org/wiki/Calendar


Here are instructions for setting up on iPhone running iOS10…
Go to Settings > Calendar > Accounts

Tap “Add Account”

Tap “Other”

Tap “Add Subscribed Calendar”

In server add URL https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org/events/feed and the tap next

This is how I have mine set up


On this topic, would it be possible to subscribe to notifications when things are added? Rather than have the calendar sync with my calendar, it would be nice to get an email when things are added so that I don’t miss a class that appears.

Maybe someone knows of an app that will sync to the calendar feed and provide notifications of new events…


There’s a google link somewhere here for that, because it’s how I get notifications of new events. Can’t remember where. I use gmail, so maybe it’s linked to calendar; I don’t know. But I regularly get emails from the feed.

Search talk for “event mail”. Sorry I can’t remember the specifics…


I do this with the RSS feed to may mailbox. I filter the feed folder into my DMS inbox.


Or you can watch the Calendar feed on the DMS Discord.