Entertaining AND Useful
Although I think they have adjustable wrench backwards.
Never much thought adjustable (“crescent”) wrenches mattered.
Slip joint (chan-nel-lok) pliers, pipe, & monkey wrenches, on the other hand…and they’re like grammar - hard to tell when someone knows they’re screwing it up and I should let it go, and when it’s a teaching/learning opportunity.
Edited to add: I also did not know until just now that Crescent branded adjustable wrenches to this day have the recommended direction of use built-in:
Prob’ly cause all those I’ve used are cheap knock-offs.
Well, I thought the film had their use backwards, but it matches Crescent’s guidance. I was taught that the movable jaw was the weakest, so you wanted the shortest lever arm on it, hence the pressure closet to the body of the wrench.