Volunteers Needed
I’m looking for 3-5 Volunteers to teach new member orientation, at least 1 class/mo, class is only 1hr.
My goal is to offer the new member class at least weekly, and to have enough of us trained that each of us need only offer it once/mo.
Slide deck, script, and handouts are all prepared.
Training provided, just need your enthusiasm.
Great opportunity to give back to the space, and engage with energetic new members.
Hi Amelia,
Can you forward me the materials? I can probably dedicate a week every month to helping with orientation.
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The slide deck and handout are both stored on the DMS Canva account. This way there is only one live copy of the materials, they can be updated, and they do not go out of synch. If you want to pm me your email address, I can invite you to our Canva account.
It would be great if you could shadow/attend at least one new member orientation before teaching it.
Here’s a view-only of the handout.
Here is the slide deck, the script is in the notes of the slide deck, and it looks like I cannot share that with a public link.
Sounds good. I’ll shadow one of your classes.
I just submitted this weekend’s class. it’ll be 11-12, 12-1pm in the pillar of solitude.
It isn’t up on the calendar yet, but I will be there teaching it regardless.
If sat doesn’t work for you, my schedule is open day/evenings this week, and most days next week.
I don’t think I have any conflicts on Saturday, but you never know. I’ll try to make it to the afternoon session.
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Sessions are 11-12, 12-1 today. Lmk if you’re coming!
Hi Amelia! I’m interested in teaching classes, do you have a class planned for the 21st? I’ll message you my email address for the Canva link. What a great way to give back to the community!