Hi Makers,
I am looking for a host family/home for Sebastian, a foreign exchange student who will be coming to the DFW area in August from Denmark.
Traveling to a foreign country can seem daunting for him, but he will find comfort in the fact that the Makerspace is full of like minded people and many share his interests for computers/electronics/photography.
I’d love to find a family for Sebastian who can provide happy, healthy experiences for him while he is here. Host families can have young kids, grown kids, no kids, be retired, and/or be single. We just need someone who can provide a loving home, a seat at the table, and a place in their heart.
Sebastian - 16 years old - Boy - He writes, “I am a responsible, openminded, caring and happy boy with a great sense of humor. I love spending time with my friends and Family. I did play soccer for 8 years - but am not playing right now, because I work at a gas station in my spare time. I love to travel and I have been to many countries with my family.
Many things interest me, but if I should choose one thing that interest me the most, I got to say, computer technology and electronics. In a period of half a year in 8th grade, I was very interest in computer development. So much that some days I woke up at 4 AM so I could create these little computer codes on my computer before school. I even made a website for my mom. My mom loves to cook, and I thought that a website where she could share her recipes was an excellent idea. It took me many hours, days and months before I could create a fully developed website, but I learnt it.
I do see myself as a computer developer in the future. Right now, that’s what I would like to do for a living when I get older. It’s just amazing to create something digitally, and then be able to click a button, and then the whole world has access to your work. That’s why I love technology so much, because you can reach out to almost every human on this planet.”
Please let me know if you or someone you know might be interested!